dump英 [dʌmp] 美 [dʌmp] v. 丢弃,扔掉;乱堆,乱放;丢下,抛弃;分手,甩掉;倾销,抛售;转储,转存(计算机数据);(尤指系统发生故障后内存的)打印输出,卸出,下面我们就来聊聊关于英语单词不要丢下我独自离开?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



dump英 [dʌmp] 美 [dʌmp]

v. 丢弃,扔掉;乱堆,乱放;丢下,抛弃;分手,甩掉;倾销,抛售;转储,转存(计算机数据);(尤指系统发生故障后内存的)打印输出,卸出

n. 垃圾场;废料堆场;(金矿开采作业堆积而成的)矿山废石堆;<非正式>脏地方;军需品临时存放处;转存;<美,非正式>拉屎

【名】 (Dump)(美)邓普(人名)

[ 第三人称单数 dumps 现在分词 dumping 过去式 dumped 过去分词 dumped 复数 dumps ]


dump truck 自动倾卸卡车 ; [车辆] 自卸车 ; 自卸卡车 ; 自卸汽车

Garbage Dump 垃圾场 ; 垃圾堆 ; 垃圾堆放处 ; 代替垃圾处理站

core dump 核心转储 ; 内核转储 ; 磁心信息转储 ; 转储文件

Power dump [电] 切断电源 ; 电源切断 ; 电力中断 ; 堵截电源

anti -dump 反倾销 ; 反推销

dump valve 倾泄阀 ; 事故排放阀 ; 应急排放阀 ; 释放阀

dump car 翻斗汽车 ; 卸料小车

dump file 转储文件

data dump [计] 数据转储 ; 数据泵 ; 数据存贮空间 ; 数据转储站


dump /dʌmp/ CET4 TEM4 ( dumping, dumped, dumps )

1. V-T If you dump something somewhere, you put it or unload it there quickly and carelessly. 扔下; 倾倒 [非正式]

例:We dumped our bags at the nearby Grand Hotel and hurried toward the market.


2. V-T If something is dumped somewhere, it is put or left there because it is no longer wanted or needed. 丢弃 [非正式]

例:The getaway car was dumped near the motorway.


3. dumping N-UNCOUNT 倾倒; 丢弃

例:German law forbids the dumping of hazardous waste on German soil.


4. V-T To dump something such as an idea, policy, or practice means to stop supporting or using it. 抛弃 (念头、政策或惯例) [非正式]

例:The party dumped the policy of nationalization in favour of the free market.


5. V-T If a firm or company dumps goods, it sells large quantities of them at prices far below their real value, usually in another country, in order to gain a bigger market share or to keep prices high in the home market. 倾销 [商业]

例:It produces more than it needs, then dumps its surplus onto the world market.


6. V-T If you dump someone, you end your relationship with them. 抛弃 (某人) [非正式]

例:My heart sank because I thought he was going to dump me for another girl.


7. V-T To dump computer data or memory means to copy it from one storage system onto another, such as from disk to magnetic tape. 转储 [计算机]

例:All the data is then dumped into the main computer.


8. N-COUNT A dump is a place where rubbish and waste material are left, for example, on open ground outside a town. 垃圾场

例:...companies that bring their waste straight to the dump.


9. N-COUNT If you say that a place is a dump, you think it is ugly and unpleasant to live in or visit. 肮脏不堪的地方 [非正式]

例:"What a dump!" Christabel said, standing in the doorway of the youth hostel.


10. N-COUNT A dump is a list of the data that is stored in a computer's memory at a particular time. Dumps are often used by computer programmers to find out what is causing a problem with a program. (常用来发现程序问题) 数据转储 [计算机]

例:...print it out and it'll do a screen dump of what's there.


11. N an act of defecation 排便 [美国英语] [slang]


dump truck 自动倾卸卡车

waste dump 废石堆,废料堆

garbage dump 垃圾场;垃圾堆

rubbish dump 垃圾堆;碎石堆

refuse dump n. 垃圾场

dump car 自动倾卸车



How can you live in this dump?


The place was, if you'll pardon the expression , a dump.


With bonfires outlawed in urban areas, gardeners must cart their refuse to a dump.


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