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The name of the island they found me on is Lian Yu.


It's Mandarin for purgatory.

=> 炼狱是普通话

I've been stranded here for five years.

=> 我在这里滞留了五年。

I've dreamt of my rescue every cold black night since then.

=> 从那以后,我每个寒冷的黑夜都梦想着拯救我。

For five years, I have had only one thought, one goal survive.

=> 五年来,我只有一个念头,一个目标生存下来。

Survive and one day return home.

=> 生存和有一天返回家园。

The island held many dangers.

=> 岛上有很多危险。

To live, I had to make myself more than what I was to forge myself into a weapon.

=> 为了生存,我不得不让自己变成一件武器。

I am returning, not the boy who was shipwrecked but the man who will bring justice to those who have poisoned my city.

=> 我回来了,不是那个遇难的男孩,而是那个会给那些毒死我城市的人伸张正义的人。

My name is Oliver Queen.

=> 我叫Oliver Queen。

Oliver Queen is alive.

=> 奥利弗女王还活着。

The Starling City resident was found by fishermen in the North China Sea five days ago.

=> 这个星巴克市的居民是五天前在北海的渔民找到的。

Five years after he was presumed dead following the accident at sea which claimed The Queen's Gambit.

=> 五年后,他被推定死亡后,海上事故宣称女王的开局。

Queen was a tabloid presence and fixture on the club scene.

=> 女王是俱乐部现场的小报和夹具。

Before his disappearance, he was acquitted of assault stemming from a highly publicized drunken altercation with paparazzi.

=> 在他失踪之前,他因与狗仔队进行高度公开的醉酒争吵而被无罪释放。

Queen is the son of Starling City billionaire Robert Queen who was also on board but now officially confirmed as deceased.

=> 皇后是斯塔林市亿万富翁罗伯特·皇后的儿子,他也在船上,但现在已经正式确认为死者。

Twenty percent of his body's covered in scar tissue.

=> 百分之二十的身体被疤痕组织覆盖。

Second degree burns on his back and arms.

=> 他的背部和手臂有二度烧伤。

X- rays show at least 12 fractures that never properly healed.

=> X射线显示至少有12个骨折从未正确愈合。

Has he said anything about what happened? No.

=> 他有没有发生什么事?没有。

He's barely said anything.

=> 他几乎没有说什么。

Moira, I'd like you to prepare yourself.

=> 莫伊拉,我希望你自己准备。

The Oliver you lost might not be the one they found.

=> 你失去的奥利弗可能不是他们找到的那个。

Oliver? Mom.

=> 奥利弗?妈妈。


=> 哦。

My beautiful boy.

=> 我美丽的男孩。

I've got it.

=> 我懂了。

Your room is exactly as you left it.

=> 你的房间和你一样。

- I never had the heart to change a thing.

=> 我从来没有想过改变一件事

- Oliver.

=> - 奥利弗

Damn good to see you.

=> 该死的很高兴见到你。

It's Walter.

=> 这是沃尔特。

- Walter Steele.

=> - 沃尔特·斯蒂尔

- You remember Walter.

=> 你记得沃尔特

Your father's friend from the company.

=> 你父亲的朋友来自公司。

- It's good to see you, Raisa.

=> - 很高兴见到你,Raisa。

- Welcome home, Mr.

=> 欢迎回家


=> 奥利弗。


=> 先生。

Merlyn phoned.

=> Merlyn打来电话。

He wants to join you for dinner.

=> 他想和你一起吃晚餐。


=> 精彩。

Oliver? Did you hear that? Hey, sis.

=> 奥利弗?你听到了吗?嘿,姐姐

I knew it.

=> 我就知道。

I knew you were alive.

=> 我知道你还活着

I missed you so much.

=> 我很想你。

You were with me the whole time.

=> 你一直和我在一起。

Come on, Laurel.

=> 来吧,劳雷尔。

We're lawyers, not miracle workers.

=> 我们是律师,而不是奇迹工作者。

We can't win this.

=> 我们赢不了这个

If we can't win a class action against a man who swindled hundreds of people out of their life savings we're not fit to be called a legal aid office.

=> 如果我们不能对一个骗了数百人的人进行集体诉讼,我们就不适合被称为法律援助办公室。

And if we go bankrupt in the process, we won't be a legal aid office.

=> 如果我们在这个过程中破产,我们将不会成为法律援助办公室。

Hunt has an army of lawyers and they are ready to bury us.

=> 亨特有一大批律师,他们准备埋葬我们。

You and I against an army? I love those odds.

=> 你我反对军队?我喜欢这些可能性。

Why do you hate me? And in other news details as to the castaway story you've all heard about the son of a very wealthy billionaire will soon become a legendary stow.

=> 你为什么讨厌我?而在其他新闻细节,你所听说的一个非常富有的亿万富翁的儿子即将离任的故事,将很快成为一个传奇的收起。

Jessica now has more details and the complete castaway story.

=> 杰西卡现在有更多的细节和完全抛弃的故事。

The Queen's Gambit was last heard from more than five years ago.

=> 女王的开局是五年前最后一次听到的。


=> 先生。

Queen has reportedly confirmed he was the only survivor of the accident that took the lives of seven people including local resident SARA Lance, survived by her sister, Laurel-- After five years everything that was once familiar is now unrecognizable.

=> 据报道,女王确认他是唯一的幸存者,包括当地居民Sara Lance在内的七人丧生,由她的妹妹Laurel幸存下来。五年之后,曾经熟悉的一切已经无法辨认。

The face I see in the mirror is a stranger.

=> 我在镜子里看到的脸是一个陌生人。

Storm's a category two.

=> 风暴是第二类。

Captain's recommending we head back.

=> 上尉推荐我们回头。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Inform the crew.

=> 通知船员。

- Are we in trouble? - One of us is.

=> - 我们有麻烦吗? - 我们中的一个是。

Ollie? Where do you keep the bottle opener on this thing? I'll be there in a minute, Sara.

=> 奥利?你在哪里把开瓶器放在这东西上?我会在一分钟之内,萨拉。

You know, son that is not going to finish well, for either of them or for you.

=> 你知道吗,对于他们中的任何一个,或者对你来说都不会很好的儿子。

What did I tell you? Yachts suck.

=> 我告诉你什么游艇吸。

- Tommy Merlyn.

=> - 汤米·梅林

- I missed you, buddy.

=> - 我想你了,哥们。

Okay, what else did you miss? Super Bowl winners: Giants, Steelers, Saints, Packers, Giants again.

=> 好的,你还错过了什么?超级杯冠军:巨人,钢人,圣徒,包装工,巨人再次。

A black president, that's new.

=> 一个黑人总统,这是新的。

Oh, and Lost.

=> 哦,迷失。

They were all dead.

=> 他们都死了。

- I think.

=> - 我认为。

- What was it like there? Cold.

=> - 那里有什么?冷。

Tomorrow, you and me do the city.

=> 明天,你和我做这个城市。

- You've got a lot to catch up on.

=> - 你有很多事情要跟上。

- Great idea.

=> - 好想法。


=> 好。

I was hoping to swing by the office.

=> 我希望能在办公室里摆动。

There's plenty of time for all that.

=> 所有这些都有足够的时间。

Queen Consolidated isn't going anywhere.

=> 女王Consolidated不去任何地方。

I am so sorry, Mr.

=> 我很抱歉,先生


=> 奥利弗。

- Dude, you speak Russian? - Didn't know you took Russian at college.

=> - 伙计,你会说俄语吗? - 不知道你在大学时带俄语。

I didn't realize you wanted to sleep with my mother, Walter.

=> 我没有意识到你想和我的母亲沃尔特睡觉。

- I didn't say anything.

=> 我什么都没说

- She didn't have to.

=> - 她没必要

Oliver, Walter and I are married and I don't want you to think that either one of us, did anything to disrespect your father.

=> 奥利弗,沃尔特和我已经结婚了,我不想让你们认为我们中的任何一个人都不尊重你的父亲。

We both believed that Robert, like you, was, uh - well, gone.

=> 我们俩都相信,罗伯特,就像你一样,已经走了。

- It's fine.

=> - 没关系。

May I be excused? Hey, don't forget about tomorrow, buddy.

=> 我可以原谅吗?嘿,明天不要忘记,哥们。


=> SARA”。

One, two, three.

=> 一二三。

- It's getting closer.

=> - 越来越近了

- That's not very scientific.

=> - 这不是很科学。

What would you know about science, Mr.

=> 你对科学有什么了解?

Ivy League drop out? I happen to know a lot about science.

=> 常春藤联盟退出?我碰巧知道很多关于科学的知识。

I know about fermentation.

=> 我知道发酵。

I know biology.

=> 我知道生物学。

Laurel's gonna kill me.

=> 劳雷尔要杀了我。

- Oh, she's so gonna kill me.

=> - 哦,她会杀了我。

- Your sister will never know.

=> - 你的妹妹永远不会知道

- Come here.

=> - 过来。

- Ha-ha-ha.

=> - 哈哈哈

- Okay, that one was really close.

=> - 好的,那个真的很近

- Sara, we're gonna be fine.

=> - 萨拉,我们会好起来的。

Sara! - Sara! - Aah! Sara.

=> 萨拉! - 萨拉! - 啊!萨拉。

- Oliver! Oliver! - Sara! - No! No! No, dad, she's out there! - She's not there.

=> - 奥利弗!奥利弗! - 萨拉! - 不!没有!不,爸爸,她在外面! - 她不在。

Sara! - She's gone.

=> 萨拉! - 她走了。

- Oliver! Wake up.

=> - 奥利弗!醒来。

Oliver! Oliver! - I'm sorry.

=> 奥利弗!奥利弗! - 对不起。

I'm so, so sorry.

=> 我很抱歉

- No, it's okay, Oliver.

=> - 不,没关系,奥利弗。

It's all right, sweetheart.

=> 没关系,亲爱的。

You're home.

=> 你回家了

You're home.

=> 你回家了

- Where did you get these? - Roxies.

=> - 你从哪里弄来的? - Roxies。

Thank you, Daddy's ACL tear.

=> 谢谢,爸爸的ACL撕裂。

- Ollie.

=> - Ollie。

Worst nickname ever.


What, always chasing after me as a kid? I thought it fit pretty well.

=> 什么,小时候总是追着我?我认为它很好。

- Maybe it still does? - See you at school, Speedy.

=> - 也许它仍然? - 在学校见,Speedy。

- Sorry about her.

=> - 对不起她。

- I have something for you.

=> - 我有东西给你。

You did not come back from a deserted island with a souvenir.

=> 你没有从纪念品的荒岛回来。

It's a Hozen and in Buddhism, it symbolizes reconnecting.

=> 这是一个僧侣和佛教,象征着重新连接。

I kept it, in hopes that one day it would reconnect me with you.

=> 我保留了它,希望有一天它会把我和你联系起来。

A rock.

=> 一块石头。

That is sweet.

=> 太贴心了。

I want one of those T-shirts that says "My friend was a castaway and all I got was this crappy shirt.

=> 我想要一件T恤衫,上面写着“我的朋友是一个被抛弃的人,而我得到的只是这件蹩脚的衬衫。

" Don't let him get you into too much trouble.


You just got back.

=> 你刚回来

Take it slow.

=> 慢慢来。


=> 咳咳。

The city awaits.

=> 城市在等待着。

Have you noticed how hot your sister's gotten? Because I have not.

=> 你注意到你妹妹有多热吗?因为我没有。

- Your funeral blew.

=> 你的葬礼吹了

- You get lucky? Fish in a barrel.

=> - 你走运了?鱼在桶里。

They were so sad and huggy-- - No.

=> 他们很伤心和紧张 - 没有

- And I'm counting on another target-rich environment for your welcome home bash.

=> - 而且,我希望在另一个目标丰富的环境中迎接您的欢迎之旅。

- At my what? - You came back from the dead.

=> - 在我什么? - 你从死里复活

This calls for a party.

=> 这需要一个派对。

You tell me where and when.

=> 你告诉我何时何地。

I'll take care of everything.

=> 我会照顾一切。

This city's gone to crap.

=> 这个城市去废话了。

Your dad sold his factory just in time.

=> 你父亲及时卖掉了他的工厂。

Why'd you wanna drive through this neighborhood anyway? - No reason.

=> 为什么你要开车穿过这个街区? - 没有理由。

- So, what'd you miss the most? Steaks at The Palm? Drinks at The Station? - Meaningless sex? - Laurel.

=> - 那么,你最想念的是什么?在棕榈牛排?在车站的饮料? - 无意义的性行为? - 桂冠。

Everyone is happy you're alive.

=> 每个人都很高兴你还活着。

You wanna see the one person who isn't? Laurel, I just got this from Hunt's lawyers.

=> 你想看看那个不是?劳雷尔,我刚从亨特的律师那得到这个。

They filed a change of venue.

=> 他们提出了一个场地的变化。

We're now in front of Judge Grell.

=> 我们现在在格雷尔法官面前。

- Hunt funded Grell's re-election campaign.

=> - 亨特资助了格雷尔的竞选连任。

- Mm-hm.

=> - 嗯。

- Grell's in his back pocket.

=> - 格雷尔在他的后面的口袋里。

- It's fun being your friend.

=> - 作为你的朋友很有趣。

I get to say "I told you so" a lot.

=> 我可以说“我已经告诉过你”了。

Adam Hunt is not smarter than we are.

=> 亚当·亨特并不比我们聪明。

He's richer and willing to commit felonies.

=> 他更富有,愿意犯重罪。

- We don't need to go outside the law-- - To find justice.

=> - 我们不需要违法 - 找到正义。

Your dad's favorite jingle.

=> 你爸爸最喜欢的叮当声

Hello, Laurel.

=> 你好,劳雷尔

You went to law school.

=> 你去了法学院

You said you would.

=> 你说过会的


=> 是啊。

Everyone's proud.

=> 每个人都很自豪。

Adam Hunt's a heavy hitter.

=> 亚当·亨特是一个沉重的击球手。

You sure you wanna get in the ring with him? Five years and you wanna talk about Adam Hunt? No.

=> 你确定你想和他在一起吗?五年,你想谈谈亚当·亨特?没有。

Not really.

=> 不是真的。

- Why are you here, Ollie? - To apologize.

=> - 你为什么在这里,奥利? - 道歉。

It was my fault.

=> 是我的错。

I wanted to ask you not to blame her.

=> 我想请你不要责怪她。

For what? Falling under your spell? How could I possibly blame her for doing the same things that I did? - I never meant to-- - She was my sister.

=> 为了什么?落在你的咒语之下?我怎么可能责怪她做同样的事情呢? - 我从来没有打算 - - 她是我的妹妹。

I couldn't be angry because she was dead.

=> 因为她死了,我不能生气。

I couldn't grieve because I was so angry.

=> 我不能伤心,因为我很生气。

That's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.

=> 这就是当你的妹妹死的时候,而你的男朋友搞砸了。

We buried an empty coffin.

=> 我们埋了一个空棺材。

Because her body was at the bottom of the ocean where you left her.

=> 因为她的身体在你离开她的海洋底部。

It should've been you.

=> 它应该是你。

I know that it's too late to say this but I'm sorry.

=> 我知道现在说这个已经太迟了,但我很抱歉。

Yeah, I'm sorry too.

=> 对,我也很抱歉。

I'd hoped that you'd rot in hell a whole lot longer than five years.

=> 我希望你能在五年内腐烂得多。

How'd you think that was gonna go, Tommy? About like that.

=> 汤米,你觉得怎么样?就像那样。

We took care of that.

=> 我们照顾了。

Good call.

=> 好决定。

Now we can make up for lost time.

=> 现在我们可以弥补失去的时间。

If you're not sick of fish let's find some leggy models and eat sushi off them.

=> 如果你不生病的鱼,让我们找到一些长腿模型,吃寿司。

What do you say? What the hell? Hey! Here, son.

=> 你说什么?我勒个去?嘿!儿子


=> 喝。

What the hell are you doing? That's all we've got.

=> 你到底在做什么?这就是我们所拥有的。

If anybody's making it out of here, it's gonna be him.

=> 如果有人把它从这里弄出来,那就是他。

I'm so sorry, I thought I'd have more time.

=> 我很抱歉,我以为我会有更多的时间。

I'm not the man you think I am.

=> 我不是你认为的我。

I didn't build our city.

=> 我没有建立我们的城市。

I failed it.

=> 我失败了。

- And I wasn't the only one.

=> - 而且我不是唯一的一个。

- Mr.

=> - 先生。

Queen? Mr.

=> 女王?先生。

Queen? Did your father survive that accident? I ask the questions.

=> 女王?你的父亲是否幸免于那次事故?我问问题。

You give me the answers.

=> 你给我答案。

Did he make it to the island? Did he tell you anything? Yes, he did.

=> 他有没有去岛上?他有没有告诉你什么?是他做的。

What did he tell you, Mr.

=> 他告诉你什么,

Queen? He told me I'm gonna kill you.

=> 女王?他告诉我我要杀了你

You're delusional.

=> 你是妄想。

You're zip-cuffed to that chair.

=> 你的拉链铐在那张椅子上。

Not anymore.

=> 不再。

- He killed that man.

=> 他杀了那个人

- You don't have to do this.

=> - 你不必这样做。

Yes, I do.

=> 是的,我愿意。

Nobody can know my secret.

=> 没有人可以知道我的秘密。

So that's your story? A guy in a green hood flew in and single-handedly took out three armed kidnappers? I mean, who is he? Why would he do that? I don't know.

=> 那这就是你的故事?一个绿帽子的家伙飞进来,一手拿出三名武装绑架者?我的意思是,他是谁?他为什么要那样做?我不知道。

Find him and you can ask.

=> 找到他,你可以问。


=> 是啊。

What about you? You see the hood guy? I saw just movement.

=> 你呢?你看到那个兜帽的家伙?我看到了只是运动。

Everything blurry.

=> 一切都模糊。

I was kind of out of it.

=> 我有点不知所措。


=> 是啊。

It's funny, isn't it? One day back and somebody's gunning for you.

=> 这很有趣,不是吗?有一天,有人在为你打枪。

Aren't you popular? Were you able to identify the men? Scrubbed identities.

=> 你不是很受欢迎?你能找出男人吗?被清理的身份。

Untraceable weapons.

=> 无法追查的武器。

- These were pros.

=> - 这些是优点。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

They figured you'd pay a king's ransom to get your boy back.

=> 他们认为你会支付国王的赎金让你的男孩回来。

Or a Queen's ransom, as it were.

=> 或者女王的赎金,就像那样。

After all, a parent would do anything to keep their child safe.

=> 毕竟,父母会做任何事情来保证孩子的安全。

I don't find your tone appropriate, detective.

=> 侦探,我觉得你的语调不合适。

If Oliver can think of anything else, he'll be in touch.

=> 如果奥利弗能想到别的,他会联系的。

Thank you, gentlemen, for coming.

=> 先生们,谢谢你的光临。

Your luck never seems to run out, does it? You are different.

=> 你的运气似乎永远不会消失,是吗?你与众不同。

Not like you to read a book.

=> 不像你读书。

I missed you, Raisa.

=> 我想你了,Raisa。

- No kitchen on the island.

=> - 岛上没有厨房

- No.

=> - 没有

No friends, either.

=> 没有朋友。

Hey thank you.

=> 嘿谢谢你

- Do I really seem different? - No.

=> - 我真的好像不一样吗? - 没有

- You're still a good boy.

=> - 你还是个好孩子

- Oh, I think we both know I wasn't.

=> - 哦,我想我们都知道我不是。

But a good heart.

=> 但是一颗好心

I hope so.

=> 但愿如此。

I wanna be the person you always told me I could be.

=> 我想成为你一直告诉我的人我可以。

Oliver I wanna introduce you to someone, John Diggle.

=> 奥利弗我想给你介绍一个人,John Diggle。

- He'll accompany you from now on.

=> - 从现在开始他会陪你的

- I don't need a babysitter.

=> - 我不需要保姆。

Darling, Oliver's a grown man.

=> 亲爱的,奥利弗是一个成年男子。

So what do I call you? Diggle's good.

=>那么我打电话给你什么? Diggle很好。

- Dig, if you want.

=> - 挖,如果你想。

- You're ex-military? Yes, sir.

=> - 你是前军人?是的先生。

105th Airborne out of Kandahar, retired.

=> 坎大哈第105空降兵退役。

Been in the private sector a little more than four years now.

=> 现在在私营部门已经有四年多了。

I don't want there to be any confusion.

=> 我不想有任何混乱。

My ability to keep you from harm will outweigh your comfort.

=> 我保护自己免受伤害的能力将超过您的安慰。

Do we have an agreement? Sir? Sir? The abduction was unexpected.

=> 我们有协议吗?先生?先生?绑架是意外的。

It forced me to move up my plans.

=> 它迫使我提出我的计划。

What I told the police was true.

=> 我告诉警方是真的

The man in the green hood was in that warehouse and he's just beginning.

=> 绿色通风橱里的那个人在那个仓库里,他刚刚开始。

The suit alleges Hunt committed acts of fraud and theft against the underprivileged.

=> 该诉讼指控亨特犯下欺诈和盗窃行为。

Laurel Lance, attorney for the city Adam Hunt.

=> Laurent Lance,亚当·亨特(Adam Hunt)城市的律师。

His crimes go deeper than fraud and theft but he's been able to bully, bribe, or kill anyone who's gotten into his way.

=> 他的罪行比欺诈和盗窃还要深刻,但是他可以欺负,贿赂或杀死任何人。

He hasn't met me yet.

=> 他还没有见过我

Remind Grell I put him on the bench.

=> 提醒我把他放在板凳上。

I can take him off.

=> 我可以把他带走

- I will turn him into a cautionary tale.

=> - 我会把他变成一个警戒的故事。

- Yes, Mr.

=> - 是的,先生


=> 打猎。

And this attorney, Laurel Lance? You said she wasn't gonna be a problem anymore.

=> 这个律师呢,劳雷尔兰斯?你说她不会再成为问题了

I told you to fix that situation.

=> 我告诉你解决这个问题

Why are you still here? Get in the car! Hey, you missed.

=> 你为什么还在这儿?上车!嘿,你错过了。

What? What? Look, just-- Just tell me what you want.

=> 什么?什么?看,只是 - 告诉我你想要什么。

You're gonna transfer $40 million into Starling City Bank account - 1141 by 10 p.

=> 你将会在10点之前将4,000万美元转入Starling City Bank账户 - 1141。



tomorrow night.

=> 明天晚上。

- Or what? Or I'm gonna take it.

=> - 或者是什么?或者我要拿走它。

And you won't like how.

=> 而你不会喜欢如何。

If I see you again, you're dead.

=> 如果我再次见到你,你已经死了。

He was wearing a hood.

=> 他戴着一顶帽子。

A green hood.

=> 一个绿色的风帽。

And had a bow and arrow.

=> 并有一个弓箭。

What, you don't believe me? That maniac put two of my men in the hospital.

=> 什么,你不相信我?那个疯子把我的两个人放在医院里。

Well, thanks for your statement.

=> 那么,谢谢你的发言。

We'll put out an APB on Robin Hood.

=> 我们将在罗宾汉上推出一个建业。

Hey, pal, I'm not some grocer who got taken for his register.

=> 嗨,朋友,我不是一个被他拿走了的杂货商。

I go to the front of the line.

=> 我去了线的前面。

He said he'd be back here by 10 p.

=> 他说他会在10点前回来。



Make sure you're here first.

=> 确保你先来。

You can coordinate with Mr.

=> 你可以配合先生

Drakon, my new head of security.

=> 德拉康,我的新安全主管。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Well, uh, thanks for your time.

=> 恩,谢谢你的时间。

Looks like Queen was telling the truth.

=> 看起来皇后说的是实话。

Yeah, well, there's a first time for everything.

=> 对,所有事情都是第一次。

This hooded guy comes looking for trouble, he'll find it.

=> 这个戴头巾的人来找麻烦,他会找到的。

Put on your seatbelt, sir.

=> 先生,系上你的安全带。

Wouldn't want you to miss your party.

=> 不想让你错过你的派对。

Everybody, he)” Man of the hour! And, ladies, please give this man a proper homecoming.

=> 每个人,他)?小时候的人!而且,女士们,请给这个男人适当的回家。

Thank you very much, everybody! Ollie, Ollie, Ollie.

=> 大家非常感谢! Ollie,Ollie,Ollie

I missed tequila.

=> 我错过了龙舌兰酒。

What the hell's going on out there? Across the street.

=> 这到底是怎么回事?在街对面。

Party for the guy they rescued off that island.

=> 派对那个他们从那个岛上救出的人。

Oliver Queen.

=> 奥利弗女王。

- Bye.

=> - 再见

- Hey, does he wipe for you too? Now, by my rough estimate, you have not had sex in 1839 days.

=> - 嘿,他是否也为你擦身?现在,据我粗略估计,你在1839年没有发生性行为。

As your wing man, I highly recommend Carmen Golden.

=> 作为你的翼人,我强烈推荐卡门金。

- Which one? - She looks like the chick from Twilight.

=> - 哪一个? - 她看起来像来自暮光之城的小鸡。

- What's Twilight? - You're so better off not knowing.

=> - 什么是黄昏? - 你知道的越来越好了。

Back in a minute.

=> 回到一分钟。

- Ollie, hey! This party is sick.

=> - 奥利,嘿!这个派对生病了

- Who let you in here? I believe it was somebody who said, "Right this way, Miss Queen.

=> - 谁让你在这里?我相信有人说:“对,王后小姐。

" - Well, you shouldn't be here.

=>“ - 那么,你不应该在这里。

- Oh, I'm not 12 anymore.

=> - 哦,我不是12了。

No, you're 17.

=> 不,你17岁。

Ollie, I love you, but you can't come back here and judge me.

=> 奥利,我爱你,但你不能回到这里来评判我。

Especially for being just like you.

=> 特别是和你一样。

It couldn't have been easy when I was away.

=> 当我不在的时候,这并不容易。

Away? No, you died.

=> 远?不,你死了。

My brother and my father died.

=> 我的兄弟和我的父亲去世了。

- I went to your funerals.

=> - 我去了你的葬礼

- I know.

=> - 我知道。

No, you don't.

=> 不,你不知道。

Mom had Walter.

=> 妈妈有沃尔特

And I had no one.

=> 我没有人。

Now, you guys all act like it's cool, let's forget about the last five years.

=> 现在,你们都表现得很酷,让我们忘记过去五年。

Well, I can't.

=> 那么,我不能。

For me, it's kind of permanently in there.

=> 对我而言,这种感觉永远在那里。

I'm sorry if I've turned out a major disappointment but this, me, is the best I could do with what I had to work with.

=> 我很抱歉,如果我已经失望了,但是,这是我所能做的最好的事情。

Let's bounce.

=> 让我们反弹

- You have the fun dip? - Yeah.

=> - 你有乐趣浸? - 是的。

It's right here.

=> 就在这里

No, I must've dropped it.

=> 不,我一定把它扔掉了

Oh! Oh.

=> 哦!哦。

- You're here.

=> - 你在这里。

- Tommy.

=> - 汤米。

He made the point that we have too many years between us to leave things the way we left them.

=> 他指出,我们之间有太多年的时间让我们离开他们。

Is there some place quieter that we could go? Yeah.

=> 有什么地方比较安静吗?是啊。

I'm sorry about saying that you should've been the one who died.

=> 我很抱歉说你应该是那个死的人。

That was wrong.

=> 那是错的。

If I could trade places with her, I would.

=> 如果我能和她交换地方,我会的。

About Sara There's something that I've been afraid to ask, but I need to know.

=> 关于萨拉有些东西我不敢问,但是我需要知道。


=> 好的。

When she died did she suffer? - Aah! Sara! - Aah! No.

=> 当她死了,她受苦了吗? - 啊!萨拉! - 啊!没有。

I think about her every day.

=> 我每天都在想她。

Me too.

=> 我也是。

I guess we still have one thing in common, then.

=> 那么我想我们还是有一个共同点。

I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but if you need someone to talk to about what happened to you, I'm here.

=> 我不能相信我会说这个,但是如果你需要某个人来谈谈发生在你身上的事情,我就在这里。

- Something wrong? - I asked somebody to do something.

=> - 有问题? - 我问有人做某事

They didn't do it.

=> 他们没有这样做。

Laurel you always saw the best in me.

=> 劳雷你总是看到我最好的。

Right now, that's what you're doing.

=> 现在,这就是你在做什么。

Looking at me and you're wondering if that island changed me somehow if it made me a better person.

=> 看着我,你想知道如果这个岛改变了我,如果它使我成为一个更好的人。

It didn't.

=> 它没有。

Stay away from me.

=> 离我远点。

Otherwise, I'm just gonna hurt you again.

=> 否则,我只是会伤害你。

But this time, it will be worse.

=> 但这一次,情况会更糟。

Gotta roll.

=> 得滚。

I got five years of debauchery to catch up on.

=> 我有五年的放荡追赶。

You know what, Oliver? You're wrong.

=> 你知道吗,奥利弗?你错了。

That island did change you.

=> 那个岛确实改变了你。

At least now you're honest.

=> 至少现在你是诚实的。

Something I can help you with, sir? - I just want a second to myself.

=> 有什么我可以帮你的,先生? - 我只想要一秒钟给自己。

- I would believe you if you weren't full of crap.

=> - 如果你不是废话,我会相信你。

Party's this way.

=> 党的这种方式。

It's locked.

=> 它是锁着。

You two cover the elevator.

=> 你们两个盖电梯。

Hang back and be ready.

=> 挂了,准备好了。

Stay in the corners and stay alert.

=> 留在角落,保持警觉。

It's past 10.

=> 已经10点了

He's never getting in here.

=> 他从来没有进过这里

- All's clear.

=> - 一切都很清楚

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

- You missed! - Really? He's here! All units converge.

=> - 你错过了! - 真的吗?他在这儿!所有单位汇聚。

Go right, go right.


On me.

=> 包在我身上。

Lay down your weapons or we will open fire.

=> 放下你的武器,否则我们会开火。

I repeat, lay down your weapons! Tell me you saw that.

=> 我再说一遍,放下你的武器!告诉我你看到了。


=> 好的。

Let's go.

=> 我们走吧。

Move! Search the building.

=> 移动!搜索建筑物。

Roof to basement.

=> 屋顶到地下室。

Find him.

=> 找他。

Starling City police.

=> 斯塔林市警方。

The party's over, kids.

=> 派对结束了,孩子们。

Oh, Mr.

=> 哦,先生


=> Merlyn。

Imagine my shock to find you here.

=> 想象一下,在这里找到你我感到震惊。

Roofie anyone special tonight? Detective.

=> 屋顶上的人特别今晚?侦探。

This is a private party.

=> 这是一个私人派对。

There was an incident at Adam Hunt's building.

=> 亚当·亨特的建筑发生了一件事。

Know about that? - Who's he? - A millionaire bottom feeder.

=> 知道吗? - 他是谁? - 一个百万富翁底部进纸器。

I'm surprised you aren't friends.

=> 我很惊讶你不是朋友。

I've been out of town for a while.

=> 我已经离开了一段时间。


=> 是啊。

Well, he just got attacked by the guy with the hood.

=> 那么,他刚刚受到那个带帽的家伙的袭击。

The guy that saved your ass the other day.

=> 那天那个救了你屁股的人

- You didn't find him? - Yeah.

=> - 你没有找到他? - 是的。

I'm gonna offer a reward.

=> 我会提供一个奖励。

Hey, everybody.

=> 嘿,大家。

Two million dollars to anybody that can find a nut bar in a green hood.

=> 两百万美元给任何能够在绿色风帽中找到坚果条的人。

- Did you even try to save her? - Okay, let's go partner.

=> - 你甚至想救她吗? - 好的,我们去搭档吧。

Did you even try to save my daughter? Sara wouldn't want this.

=> 你甚至试图救我的女儿?萨拉不想要这个。

It's not.

=> 不是。

Partner, let's go.

=> 伙伴,走吧。

It's all right.

=> 没关系。

Let's go.

=> 我们走吧。

- It's too quiet in here! This is a party.

=> - 这里太安静了!这是一个派对。

- Yeah! Some coincidence.

=> - 是的!有些巧合。

You asking to have your party here and Hunt getting robbed next door.

=> 你要求在这里举行你的派对,亨特被隔壁抢劫。

And by the same guy who rescued us at the warehouse.

=> 还有在仓库救了我们的那个人。

If I were you, Tommy, I'd just be glad you're alive.

=> 如果我是你,汤米,我只是很高兴你还活着。

- What happened to you on that island? - A lot.

=> - 那个岛上发生了什么事? - 很多。

What the hell are you talking about? Forty million dollars doesn't just up and vanish.

=> 你他妈在说什么?四千万美元不会只是消失而已。

Untraceable? It is $40 million.

=> 不可考?这是4000万美元。

Find it! How did he do it? There's not enough for all of us.

=> 找到它!他是怎么做到的呢?我们所有人都不够

- Save your strength.

=> - 保存你的力量。

- You can survive this.

=> 你可以活下来

Make it home, make it better.

=> 把它放在家里,让它变得更好。

Right my wrongs.

=> 对我的错误。

But you gotta live through this first.

=> 但是你必须先经历这个。

You hear me, Ollie? You hear me, son? Just rest, Dad.

=> 你听到我了,奥利?你听到我儿子?爸爸,休息吧。


=> 没有。

- Dad.

=> - 爸爸

- Survive.

=> - 生存。

No! If, hypothetically, $50,000 magically appeared in your bank account, it might be best not to speak about it.

=> 没有!假设,如果你的银行账户中出现了5万美元,最好不要谈论这个问题。

To anyone.

=> 对任何人。


=> 永远。

God bless you too.

=> 也祝你好运。

I just got a very grateful phone call from one of our clients against Adam Hunt.

=> 我刚刚从我们的客户那里打了一个非常感激的电话,反对亚当·亨特。

Me too.

=> 我也是。

It looks like Starling City has a guardian angel.

=> 看起来Starling City有个守护天使。

By the way, your cute friend's here.

=> 顺便说一句,你可爱的朋友在这里。

You left the party quick last night, even after I stocked the bar with Pinot Noir.

=> 即使在我与黑比诺(Pinot Noir)品尝过酒吧之后,你昨天晚上还是很快离开了派对。

It wasn't really my scene.

=> 这不是我的场景。

I thought maybe you and Oliver went mano-a-mano again.

=> 我想也许你和奥利弗再次去了马诺。

I saw you two head out.

=> 我看见你两个出去。

There's nothing between Oliver and I.

=> 奥利弗和我之间什么也没有

Not anymore.

=> 不再。

And here I thought the only thing between you and Oliver was us.

=> 在这里,我认为你和奥利弗之间唯一的就是我们。

I wouldn't characterize us as an us, Tommy.

=> 我不会把我们描述成一个我们,汤米。

- Then what would you call it? - A lapse.

=> - 那你会怎么称呼它? - 时间流逝

It's quite a few lapses.

=> 这是相当多的失误。

Your place.

=> 你的地方。

My place.

=> 我的地方。

My place again.

=> 我的地方再次。

Come on, Merlyn.

=> 来吧,Merlyn。

We both know that you're not a one-girl type of guy.

=> 我们都知道你不是一个女孩类型的家伙。

Depends on the girl.

=> 取决于女孩。

I have to go back to work.

=> 我必须回去工作。

Dinah Laurel Lance.

=> 黛娜桂冠兰斯。

Always trying to save the world.

=> 总是试图拯救世界。

Hey, If I don't try and save it, who will? She says the island changed me.

=> 嘿,如果我不尝试保存,谁会呢?她说岛改变了我。

She has no idea how much.

=> 她不知道多少。

There are many more names on the list those who rule my city through intimidation and fear.

=> 那些通过恐吓和恐惧统治我的城市的名单上还有更多的名字。

Every last one of them will wish I had died on that island.

=> 他们中的每一个人都希望我死在那个岛上。

The police failed to identify the men I hired to kidnap Oliver.

=> 警方没有找到我雇人绑架奥利弗的男子。

And they never will.

=> 他们永远不会。

- Should we arrange another abduction? - No.

=> - 我们应该安排另一次绑架吗? - 没有

There are other ways of finding out what my son knows.

=> 还有其他的方法来找出我的儿子知道什么。
