

十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac[ˈzoʊdiæk]

鼠 Rat

英语中鼠分为mouse和rat,mouse指比较小的老鼠,rat指体态较大的老鼠。鼠年就是Year of the rat。

to rat on (someone)打小报告: to report someone's bad behavior to other people.

ex.The little boy ratted on his friend at school.


to smell a rat感到不妙: to be suspicious [səˈspɪʃəs] 猜疑的of someone or something, to feel that something is wrong

ex.I smell a rat. There is something wrong with the free credit card offer.


牛 Ox

我们从小学习的cow其实指的是奶牛,而吃的牛肉一般用buffalo[ˈbʌfəloʊ],十二生肖中的牛我们用ox。牛年就是year of the ox.

a cash cow摇钱树: a product or service that makes much money (This idiom is a metaphor for a "dairy [ˈderi] 奶制的; 乳品cow" which is used on farms to produce milk, thus offering a steady stream of income to its owner).

知识链接:【BCG Matrix】波士顿矩阵(叫现金牛,用以判断产品/业务类型)

ex. Our new business is a cash cow. We are making much money now.


have an ox on the tongue:守口如瓶To be unable to talk, often because one has beenbribed贿赂into silence.

ex. Don't worry. He won't say anything. I slipped him some money to make sure he has an ox on the tongue.


虎 Tiger

a paper tiger纸老虎:refers to a person or thing that appears threatening but isineffectual [ˌɪnɪˈfɛktʃuəl] 无效的/无用的人.


tiger mom虎妈:refers to a ‘strict or demanding mother who pushes her children to high levels of achievement’.


A tiger cannot change its stripes江山易改,本性难移:A variation [ˌveriˈeɪʃn] 演变on the more common "a leopard [ˈlepərd]豹子 cannot change his spots", which means ‘people can’t change their basic nature’.

兔 rabbit

英语中表示兔子的单词主要有rabbit,bunny,和hare [her]。hare通常比rabbit要大,而bunny一开始指的是可爱的女郎,现在也指兔子,最著名的莫过于the Easter Bunny——复活节兔子啦。

to pull a rabbit out of a hat:To do something surprising and seemingly impossible; to produce something in a way that has no obvious explanation, as if done by magic.就像变戏法儿一样,完成不可思议的事情

A reference to the magician's [məˈdʒɪʃən] 魔术师 trick of literally pulling a live[laiv] rabbit out of a hat.经典的魔术套路。

龙 Dragon

tickle [ˈtɪkəl] (使)发痒;挑逗 the dragon's tail: 老虎屁股摸不得To do something risky or dangerous

ex.You know dad has a temper! Stop tickling the dragon's tail unless you want to be grounded for weeks!


蛇 Snake

snake in the grass茅草屋里的毒蛇——暗中伤人: one whofeigns[feɪn] 假装,伪装friendship with the intent todeceive 欺诈

ex.Did you hear that Daria's(读音?) best friend stole money from her bank account? What a snake in the grass.


马 Horse

Horse of another color:Something completely different or separate, especially in comparison to something else.

Dark Horse黑马:

Someone who unexpectedly wins a competition.

can eat a horse: to be extremely hungry.

ex.I feel like I can eat a horse right now.


羊 Goat

goat山羊 sheep绵羊

play the goat:

To behave comically or playfully, often to amuse others.

ex. Joe never plays the goat--he's always serious.


black sheep of the family害群之马(英文里是害群之羊): the worst member of the family.

睡觉前数绵羊在英语里也就是count sheep

猴 Monkey

monkey tricks: mischievous [ˈmɪstʃɪvəs]淘气的 behaviour.

monkey around: To waste time or procrastinate [proʊˈkræstɪneɪt] 拖延,耽搁 by doing something unproductive or unhelpful; to fool around or spend time idly [ˈaɪdlɪ] 无所事事地.


鸡 Rooster

千万不要在别人问你属什么的时候回答"I'm a chicken"啊朋友们。chicken在英语中有胆小鬼的意思。

be no spring chicken: 老大不小

To no longer be youthful. A "spring chicken" is in fact a young chicken.

ex. I'm no spring chicken anymore. I'm a grown man already.


狗 Dog

dog-tired:very tired.

dog-eat-dog你死我活:a situation that is very competitive in a cruel and selfish way.

ex.Working on Wall Street is dog-eat-dog.


猪 Pig

eat like a pig狼吞虎咽:Perhaps the most common idiom that uses the word pig. Eating like a pig is simply to eat food in a very passionate way and/or ignoring social rules of engagement.狼吞虎咽,根本不注意吃相。

If pigs had wings they would fly(你说的要是真的),母猪都上树:A proverb used to express disbelief or to criticize someone’s claim.用来对某事嗤之以鼻的一个俗语。

piggy bank:也是一个有关猪的词语,意思就是存钱罐。

However,a guinea pig [ˈɡɪni pɪɡ]is not a real pig!一般指实验用的小白鼠或是作宠物的豚鼠。









美化编辑 | 小敏

封面图片 | 宇儿

审核校对 | 小津

