




Hi everyone, I'm Su Yiming, a professional Chinese snowboarder and Olympic



Some of you may already know my story. Three days before my 18th birthday, I received the most precious birthday gift ever, winning an Olympic gold medal at the Snowboard Big Air during Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. But ten years ago, when I was just a kid, I said I would never be a professional snowboarder, never wanting to hear the word "ski" again. As a hobby, I want to play every day. If I go professional, I practice every day. I think I will be very tired of it. I'd rather take snowboarding as a hobby, not as a professional career. If I practice snowboarding every day, I will get bored of it.


As is often said: the internet never forgets. To be honest, if I had known that snowboarding meant so much to my future life or that in 10 years' time, this innocent speech would be watched over and over again by netizens, I swear I would definitely thought twice before speaking. At that time, I was not aware that my passion for snowboarding was all written in the start. I will always love the sport all my life.


I was born in Jilin City in northeast China. My parents loved snowboarding and took me to snowboard when I was just four years old, and it wasn't long until I was better than them. Unfortunately, at the age of six, I was hit by someone while snowboarding and fractured my thigh bone. As a little kid then, I just felt physical pain and didn't think about too much else. When I woke up in the hospital, I remember the first thing my mom told me was, "Baby, we can't give up snowboarding." They didn't mean to ask me to achieve great success. They just didn't want me to get used to backing down and giving up easily when I encountered difficulties. Indeed, they know that I love snowboarding with my heart and soul, and it's common for athletes to go through setbacks and injuries. Even if they may be distressed when I get hurt, they always respect and support my choice. Even today, parents are the first teachers to their children. My parents are the best ones when it comes to my passion and dedication to snowboarding.


At the age of eight, I was invited to play the role of Xiao Shuanzi in the action movie The Taking of Tiger Mountain because I was skilled at snowboarding. It never occurred to me that I would be nominated for the best newcomer at the 35th Hong Kong Film Awards. After that, I had the idea of becoming a professional actor, so my mom took me to various auditions, accompanied me on the set, took care of my daily life, and helped to improve my performance. Everything went very well. However, just a year after the movie came out, Beijing won its bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics. When the encouraging news was announced on TV, an imaginative picture suddenly popped into my mind, which is, I was standing on the podium wearing the Five-star Red Flag. That was the moment I envied the most when watching the Olympic Games. Then, I immediately said to my mom, "I want to participate in the Beijing Olympics. I want to be an Olympic champion." They encouraged me that love begets passion and releases the great potential of the individual.


After the Winter Olympics, many people called me a snowboarding prodigy. What I want to tell you is that sports do need talent, but talent alone is not enough. If you aim to become a top professional athlete, the hardest and most professional training is key. At this time, the person who changed my life appeared. He is my Japanese coach, Yasuhiro Sato.奥运会结束后,很多人说我是"天才少年"。我想告诉大家的是,运动的确需要天赋,但绝不是仅靠天赋就够了。要想成为顶尖的职业运动员,关键是有最刻苦和最专业的训练。这时候,改变我人生的人出现了,那就是我的日本籍教练佐藤康弘。



When I first met him, the initial problem we encountered was the language at that time. I could not speak Japanese, and he could not speak Chinese, so we had to communicate in English. My English was still not that good at that time. With some gestures and guessing, we can barely communicate with each other. After getting to know each other, he would call me Xiao Ming. I would teach him some Chinese and learn Japanese by myself. As a result, our conversation was mixed in Chinese, English, and Japanese. It's often like a secret code that only the two of us can understand, but I actually enjoy this kind of communication and find it very interesting. Also, because of the epidemic, we were separated from each other, and he could only guide me through video chat. Over the past four years, although we have been in different countries most of the time, I can feel that he stays by my side all the time. Sato San himself said that this is love. Definitely, without Sato San, I would not be on the podium. After winning the gold medal, we hugged each other and cried. We both understood each other's feelings, although we didn't say a word.


To put it in Chinese: Sato San is both a mentor and a companion for me. And the media praised us as a model of friendship between China and Japan. For me, we are beyond coaches and students or friends. We are more like brothers or father and sons. We are like a family. Before every competition, he always gave me a big hug which made me feel full of warmth and strength. I didn't need to say anything, but he got me. After the Winter Olympics, he did not return to Japan immediately. Instead, he left after celebrating my birthday. He often tells the media that he loves me very much, and I want to tell him here today that I also love you very much, Sato San. It is our common love for snowboarding, as well as our relationship as friends, brothers, and family, that gives me immense strength to always challenge myself to be higher, faster, and stronger.


Is this passion really that powerful? The answer is positive. Passion begets persistence. I have suffered multiple injuries and setbacks, but I didn't know how long I could hang on without that passion. "With passion comes endurance", the day-to-day training seems to be tough and tedious, but my dedication to this passion makes me feel that it is never a torment but a pleasure to enjoy. It is also that passion that led me to my coach, that motivated me to stand side by side with my hero on the podium and presented me with the best coming-of-age gift in the world on my 18th birthday.


The media often ask me why my English is so good. It's very simple because I like to make friends from all over the world. I often chat with them, so I gradually get the hang of it because of this common passion over the years. When I went training and competed in competitions abroad, I made many friends with athletes from all over the world. Every time I train or compete with them, I can feel their purest passion for snow sports, which is what we share in common. Just as the saying goes, "Love is the common language of humankind." So, no matter which country you come from or which language you speak, as long as we share a common passion, I believe that all barriers in communication can be removed.


As a Chinese snowboarder, I have experienced the development of ice and snow sports in our country over the years. It is true that we started late, but we are progressing rapidly. Now, we have reached the goal of engaging 300 million people in ice and snow activities. Moreover, the successful hosting of Beijing Winter Olympics is proof of this progress. What distinguishes ice and snow sports from other sports is that it features more challenging natural conditions. Though the sport itself is challenging already, it motivates you to face the difficulties directly and action, which is why I believe our country vigorously promotes ice and snow sports. Of course, this is why I love the sport myself.


I really want to pass on my passion for snowboarding to everyone. Just as the Olympic Charter states, "Olympism is a philosophy of life exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of the body, will, and mind." Here, passion is an energy that can provide the greatest nourishment to the mind and spirit. And sportsmanship comes from a kind of love, which is a love for oneself, family, and friends and love for the world and the entire humanity. So, here I want to call on young people like me all over the world to find your passion, follow it, stick to it, promote it, translate sportsmanship into an extension of this passion and promote this power of passion through sportsmanship to all mankind.

我真心 希 望把自己对滑雪运动的热爱传递给所有人。《奥林匹克宪章》里说:“奥林匹克主义是一种人生哲学,将身心和精神方面的各种品质均衡地结合起来,并使之得到提高。”在这里,"热爱"就是能给心灵和精神提供最大滋养的一种能量。而体育精神也是源自一种爱——爱自己、爱家人、爱朋友,更是爱世界、爱整个人类。所以,在这里,我想向全世界跟我一样的年轻人倡议:找到你的热爱,跟随它,坚持它,传播它,让体育精神成为这种热爱的延伸,也通过体育精神把热爱的力量传递给全人类!

I'm Su Yi ming.我是苏翊鸣。

本文内容转自2022年8月11日“与世界说HEY THE WORLD”发布的推文(排版及文字略有调整) 如果侵权请联系删除
