【英语绘本故事】When Bad things Happen


Today was not a good day, my pet lizard died. I don't understand why, I did everything right?

Lzzy had a safe home, Lzzy had clean water, Lzzy had plenty food, but he died.




My dad said sometimes bad things happen, even. When you do everything right? I understood what my dad told me, but I still felt bad. My mom said there were things I could do to help feel better. She said some people make cards and then color them with bright colors.



My dad said some people write a letter when they lose a friend. the letter tells about the good times they had together. He said I could write about how Lzzy sat on my shoulder when I did my homework. He said I might share how Lzzy loved to eat green beans.

My grandmother said that some people go to a church to another place to worship. My mom said that some people light candles and pray, she said other people put flowers next to a photo of their friend.




My dad said whateven I did to remember Lzzy would help me feel less sad. Mom added that in time I would feel much better. But she also said I might feel sad again some days along the way.

I choose to make Lzzy a card. I drew a big heart because I loved him, I wrote that I missed him. I wrote that I would remember him.




Tomorrow we will bury Lzzy, I chose a special place in the backyard. It is next to clump of flowers, I will put his favorite rock there. I will put my card there too. My daddy was right, I do feel a little bit better. I will always miss Lzzy, but I won't ever forget the good times we have together.



• END •
