

(1)认购,如subscription agreement认购协议

(2)在文件、信件等上面签字、署名,如to subscribe to the contract在合同上签字

1. confirms that, if it has received its offer to subscribe for an interest in the Partnership in XXX, it is a ‘wholesale client’ within the meaning of section XXX of the Corporations Act and a person to whom an offer or invitation may be made without requirement for a disclosure document to be prepared or lodged under Part X of the Corporations Act or a product disclosure statement to be prepared or lodged under Part XXof the Corporations Act

确认:若其收到有关认购XXX合伙权益的要约,则其系《公司法》第XXX 条所指的“批发性客户”以及无须为其制备或给予一份《公司法》第X部分所规定的披露文件或者《公司法》第XX部分所规定的产品披露声明即可向其发出要约或邀请之人

2. Those who are willing to go with me for the task subscribe here.

