Book1 WelcomeUnit Mr.Y, sex: male; nationality: China; personality: anxious and annoyed. The guy was an exchange junior high school student. During registration on campus, he impressed others with his awkward style. His partner was a confident and outgoing female. She looked forward to improving Mr.Y’s confidence and curiosity. In order to achieve the goal, she kept him company and never left him alone. They concentrated on organizing flash card experiments and designing strategies. They registered for formal lectures around the nation and took notes. At first, Mr.Y was frightened to explore the organizations. But his partner made an impression on him. At last, he was curious about everything and became a senior designer.,下面我们就来聊聊关于高中英语人教版必修一listening?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



Book1 WelcomeUnit

Mr.Y, sex: male; nationality: China; personality: anxious and annoyed. The guy was an exchange junior high school student. During registration on campus, he impressed others with his awkward style. His partner was a confident and outgoing female. She looked forward to improving Mr.Y’s confidence and curiosity. In order to achieve the goal, she kept him company and never left him alone. They concentrated on organizing flash card experiments and designing strategies. They registered for formal lectures around the nation and took notes. At first, Mr.Y was frightened to explore the organizations. But his partner made an impression on him. At last, he was curious about everything and became a senior designer.

