1. 表示“宽的”(adj.)

broad, wide

wide 侧重从一边到另一边的距离。

There are many wide highways in this region.


This large bridge is about 15 meters wide. 这座大桥约有15米宽。

broad 形容道路、河流、峡谷等宽时,常可与 wide 换用,但更强调面积的宽广;形容肩、背、胸等宽时,都应用 broad,而不用 wide。

The river is 30 meters broad/wide. 这条河有30米宽。

He was of medium height, but had very broad shoulders. 他中等身材,但肩膀很宽。

broad 可表示大概、粗略、不详细,wide无此义:

All of us are in broad agreement on this matter.


2. 表示“买,购买”(v.)

buy, get, purchase, pick up

buy 普通用词,可后接双宾语。

She bought that piano for 3000 yuan. 她花3000元买了那架钢琴。

Let me buy you a drink. 我给你买杯饮料吧。

get 作此义解时较口语化,尤指买衣食等日常用品,可与 buy 换用。

My mummy got/bought me a pair of new shoes. 我妈妈给我买了一双新鞋。

purchase 词义同 buy,但更为正式,尤指在商业交易中或依照法律合同购买大件物品或昂贵物品,其后不可后接双宾语。

She has purchased a villa in Shanghai. 她在上海购买了一幢别墅。

pick sth. up 非正式用语,指顺手购买某物(尤指食物、报纸等普通物品或偶然发现的东西)。

Could you pick up some milk on your way home?


3. 表示“照顾,照料,护理”(v.)

care for, look after, take care of, tend, attend, mind

tend (此用法过时)指照看人、动物或事物,通常后接介词 to。

Mary is tending to her son in the bedroom.


Who will tend to the garden while we are on vacation?


attend 尤指照顾病人、处理伤口等,强调具有专业技能和责任心,常用被动语态。

The patients were well attended (to) in the hospital.


On his deathbed the General was attended by several doctors.


mind 指短期地照看某物,或父母不在时帮忙照料其孩子,主要用于英国英语。

Will you mind my suitcase while I go to buy my ticket?


Linda promised to mind the baby while we go out.


