
视频:田甜 周林熙

Themed "Pursuing Space Dreams for Win-Win Cooperation", the fireworks show features elements like space exploration and technology.




4月23日晚,一场以“逐梦航天·合作共赢”为主题,融入宇宙探索和航天科技等元素的焰火表演晚会在长沙市橘子洲景区焰火广场绚丽燃放,致敬“中国航天日”。 湖南日报记者 李健 徐行 摄影报道

It is an important China Space Day cultural activity. More than 500 senior UN officials; important foreign guests; academicians and experts, scholars, and heads of space agencies in the field of aerospace from home and abroad; and leaders from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China enjoyed the fireworks.
