
英文中有很多看似简单的动词,像是 put, get, take, make, give, go, look 这些看似简单,后面可以加很多介词或名词,意思都不相同,甚至搭配的同一个介词会有好几种不同的使用场景和意思,今天就给大家着重讲解这种类型的两个动词-takeget, 因为这两个词可以搭配的实在太多了,所以这次只讲搭配介词!


take后面加什么动词形式 take和get(1)

1. 解决问题

get over a problem or difficulty

How did you get over that problem?

这里get over和overcome意思一样

2. (从不快或疾病) 中恢复过来

get over a bad cold

get over the shock

He never completely got over losing the championship game.

3. 关于 get over, 在口语中常用的两个句子:

Just get over it!和 Just get it over with! 别看长得差不多,意思却不一样!

使用场景: 你朋友跟你开玩笑开得有点过了,然后你就一脸不开心,一直一直不开心,这个时候你朋友就可以对你说 :Just get over it! 意思就是说不就是个玩笑吗,没必要这么当真啦!


可以说成get off work, 也可以直接说成get off

How early can you get off today? 你今天最早几点能下班?


We should get off the highway before the traffic gets bad.


get off the bus/metro/cab… 从公交车/地铁/出租车上下来

反义词组是get on



一个人做了很多坏事,却没被判很重的刑,这个时候可以说: He got off easy for what he did.


take后面加什么动词形式 take和get(2)

1. 脱下,脱掉衣服,鞋子,帽子,等等;

take off the shoes

take your shoes off

使用场景: 在美国机场过安检的时候,安检的工作人员常说的一句话: Hi sir, please take your shoes off to go through security.

2. 出发,匆匆离开;

I’m taking off now. 我现在就要走了

I can only stay for a few minutes, and then I’ll need to take off again. 我只能待几分钟,待会就要走了

使用场景: 你正要去赶飞机,同事跑过来要跟你过下个月的销售计划,这个时候你就可以说: I’m sorry, I need to take off now. Can we find another time to do this?

3. (经济)开始迅速发展,明显好转;

Business is really taking off this year. 今年经济发展的不错

Her career is just begining to take off. 她的事业刚刚有所起色


take后面加什么动词形式 take和get(3)

1. 占用(时间,空间或精力)

I know you’re busy, and I promise I wouldn’t take up too much of your time. 知道你很忙,我不会占用你太多时间的

使用场景: 某个项目很难,花了你很多时间去完成,你就可以说:This project literally took up most of my weekends.

老公抱怨老婆衣服太多的时候可以说 : Stop buying new clothes! Your stuff is taking up the whole wardrobe!

2. 开始从事某事,着手做某事

She took up painting after college.

3. 接受(挑战或建议)

take up the challenge

take up the offer

She took up the challenge without thinking. 她想都没想就接受了挑战


take后面加什么动词形式 take和get(4)

1. 接管

I’m going to take over the company one day.


公司内部竞争很激烈,两个人争一个管理职位,这个时候对成功的那个可以评价说:She will take over the manager role and will be in charge of the sales department.

2. 接替

I will take over for him until he gets back from his lunch break.


3. 取代

WeChat has largely taken over text messages as the most popular way to keep in touch with someone in China.





