Today is a special day.(今天是特殊的一天)The Chinese New Year of the lundar calander,(中国人的农历新年)which is also the most important holiday for Chinese people.(也是最重要的一家团聚的日子)I'm here in my hometown with my parents.Having a bigger reunion dinner.(我在家和父母能够一起团聚吃团圆饭)But I know that a lot of doctors and nurses who can't enjoy the reunion dinner with their family members,because of coronavirus.(但是我知道有很多的医生和护士因为新冠状病毒不能和他们的家人一起团聚)

There are no peaceful times,it is just that someone is shouldering sponsibility for you.(哪有什么岁月静好,年少无伤,只是有人替你负重前行罢了)You are my heroes.(亲爱的医生和护士们,你是我心中的英雄)As an ordinary citizen,I'm not going to visit any relitives this new year holiday.(作为一名普通市民,在这个新年假期里我不会和任何亲戚接触)And I'll always wear my face mask in public places.(并且我会在公共场合一直戴着的我口罩)

United,we are strong!(团结就是力量)

