




今天是《Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone》CHAPTER THREE The Letter from No One

Page 33-36.

Because of what happened in the zoo,Harry was punished to stay in the cupboard for a very long time.After the summer holiday,Harry was going to a secondary school,his aunt Petunia prepared him a school uniform by dyeing some of Dudley’s old clothes.And for the first time,Harry received a letter from Hogwarts.




3.Secondary school:中学。

4.Parade:游行;列队行进,接受检阅;招摇过市,大摇大摆。文章中Dudley paraded around the living-room for the family in his brand-new uniform.这里的parade应该是大摇大摆的走路的意思,Dudley在炫耀他的新校服。

5.Gruff:粗暴的;粗哑的;脾气坏的。中文描写Uncle Vernon粗声粗气的说He said gruffly。

6.Tub:盆,桶.Aunt Petunia用一个tub给Harry的校服染色,而且染色的时候有Horrible smell,and the tub was full of what looked like dirty rags swimming in grey water.这套校服应该是很旧了,像破布一样漂在水中。


8.Dye:给……染色。This material does not dye well.这块布料没有染好。

9.Flop:做动词时表示扑通坐下,猛然倒下;落下;名词时表示扑通声,重坠声。文中是说邮递员送信时,信件落到地上的声音。They heard the click of the letter-box and flop of letters on the doormat.

10.Dodge:闪开,躲开.He dodged the stick.他躲开了木棍。

11.Twang:拨弦声。Harry’s heart twanging like a giant elastic band.这是描写Harry看到写给自己的信时的心情,感觉就是心在怦怦直跳。

12.Knobbly:有节的,多疙瘩的。Knobbly stick。


1. The escape of the Brazilian boa constrictor earned Harry his longest-ever punishment.句子里面比较有意思的是earn这个词,为哈利赚到了最长的禁闭。

2. He could see a tiny ray of hope.他看到了一线希望。

3. It was the proudest moment of his life.生命中最骄傲的时刻。查了一下高光时刻,可以表述为highlights,有道例句是I had all my highlights at Liverpool.

4. He thought two of his ribs might already have cracked from trying not to laugh.哈利的姑姑和姑父在表扬他们的孩子,说他是最优秀的孩子,哈利听到后忍着不笑,以至于忍得太狠感觉肋骨都快断了。

5. Harry seriously doubted this,but thought it best not to argue.

6. No one,ever,in his whole life,had written to him.

