"Inferior" is an adjective that means not good or not good as someone or something else. Which preposition is used with "inferior": to/for/in/on?,下面我们就来聊聊关于10个介词常见的用法?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



"Inferior" is an adjective that means not good or not good as someone or something else. Which preposition is used with "inferior": to/for/in/on?

“Inferior”是一个形容词,意思是不如或不如某人或某事。下面哪个介词与" lower "连用:to/for/in/on?

The correct answer is: inferior to Pop music is often considered inferior to other musical genres.

正确答案是:inferior to 流行音乐常被认为不如其他音乐类型。

"Notorious" is an adjective that means famous for something bad. Which preposition is used with "notorious": to/for/at/with?


The correct answer is: notorious for The city is notorious for crime and violence.

正确答案是:notorious for 这个城市因犯罪和暴力而臭名昭著。

"Reaction" is the way that you behave as a result of something that happens. Which preposition is used after "reaction": for/on/with/to?


The correct answer is: reaction to What was Jeff's reaction to the news?

正确的答案是:reaction to 杰夫对这个消息的反应是什么?

"Refrain" is a verb that means to stop yourself from doing something. Which preposition is used after "refrain": to/on/from/by?


The correct answer is: from She refrained from making any comment on the scandal.

正确答案是:from 她没有对那件丑闻发表任何评论。

"Subscribe" is a verb that means to enter your name for a service or publication. Which preposition is used after "subscribe": to/on/no preposition/by?

“Subscribe”是一个动词,意思是为服务或出版物输入您的名字。面哪个介词用在“subscribe”在之后:to/on/no preposition/by?

The correct answer is: subscribe to 10,000 people have subscribed to the service.

正确答案是:subscribe to 已有1万人订阅了这项服务。

"Preference" is a noun that means greater interest in someone or something. Which preposition is used after "preference": on/for/with/over?


The correct answer is: preference for Do you have a preference for white or brown bread?

正确答案是:preference for 你喜欢白面包还是黑面包?

"to approve" is to think that someone or something is good acceptable or suitable. Which preposition is used after the verb "approve": no preposition/to/for/of?

“to approve”是指认为某人或某事很好,可以接受或合适。在动词“approve”后面用哪个介词:no preposition/to/for/of?

The correct answer: approve of My father doesn't approve of my leaving school this year.

正确答案是:approve of 我父亲不同意我今年退学。

The verb "abstain" means to decide not to do or have something. Which preposition is used after "abstain": to/from/by/on?


The correct answer: abstain from You must abstain from drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

正确答案是:abstain from 怀孕期间你必须戒酒。

"Discouraged" means having lost hope or confidence. Which preposition is used after "discouraged": by/with/on/to?


The correct answer: discouraged by He was determined not to be discouraged by repeated failure.

正确答案是:discouraged by 他决心不因屡次失败而气馁。

"Content" is an adjective that means happy and satisfied with what you have. Which preposition is used after "content": by/from/with/at?


The correct answer is: content with Are you content with second-hand clothes?

正确答案是:content with 你满足于二手衣服吗?

"to dismiss" is to refuse to think about, believe or accept something. Which preposition is used after "dismiss": to/into/with/from?

“to dismiss”是拒绝思考、相信或接受某事。下面哪个介词用在“dismiss”后面:to/into/with/from?

The correct answer: dismiss from He tried to dismiss the idea from his mind.

正确答案是:dismiss from 他试图把这个念头从脑子里抹去。

"to compose" is to combine together, to form a whole. Which preposition is used with "compose": of/from/with/no preposition?

“to compose”就是结合在一起,形成一个整体。与“compose”连用的介词是:of/from/with/no?

The correct answer is: composed of The atmosphere is composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.

正确答案是:composed of 大气主要由氮和氧组成。

The verb "brag" means to talk too proudly about something. Which preposition is used after "brag": with/by/about/at?


The correct answer: brag about She's always bragging about how rich her father is.

正确答案是:brag about 她总是吹嘘她父亲有多有钱。

"to be intent" means to be determined to do something. Which preposition is used after "intent": about/on/with/to?

"to be intent"的意思是决心做某事。下面哪个介词用在"intent"后面:about/on/with/to?

The correct answer is: intent on He was so intent on his work that he didn't notice me come in.

正确答案是:intent on 他专心工作,没有注意到我进来。

When two people "engaged", they have agreed to marry each other. Which preposition is used after "engaged": with/no preposition/to/by?


The correct answer: engaged to Paul is engaged to Karen, who is a lovely woman.

正确答案是:engaged to 保罗和凯伦订婚了,她是个可爱的女人。

"Certain" as an adjective means having no doubt or knowing exactly that something is true. Which preposition is used after "certain": of/with/on/into?


The correct answer: certain of You have to be certain of the facts before coming to a decision.

正确答案是:certain of 在做决定之前,你必须弄清事实。
