
  • Lightman: I have recommended to the Judge you be sent to a mental hospital.Zach: Why would you do that for me?Lightman: You framed an innocent man. You hacked my computers. You hurt a very close friend of mine. You murdered a wonderful young girl. Prison will only take your freedom. But at the hospital, the pills they give you will take your mind, and make no mistake, DOCTOR Foster will make sure of that.... personally.你陷害了一个无辜的人。你黑了我的电脑。你伤害了我的好朋友。你杀害了一个风华正茂的女孩。监狱只会夺取你的自由,但是精神病院里,他们给你的药物,会夺去你的思想,并且一次都不会遗漏。

  • Lightman: I shake people up until they lose control and forget to hide their emotions. Not the same as bullying at all.我让人们陷入混乱,直到他们失去控制并且忘记掩盖自己的情绪。这和恃强凌弱完全不同。

  • 剧中莱特曼博士的分析对破案产生了极大的作用,有时候案件毫无头绪,嫌疑人拒不承认,也无证据可以指证,都是嫌疑人在莱特曼的心理攻势下露出了破绽,为破案提供了方向,进而发现的证据。

