浪漫Being Romantic,下面我们就来聊聊关于热带海岛风情来袭?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!




Being Romantic


One young man was secretly in love with a girl, one of his fellow-office workers. Being a man of few words and not good at expressing his feelings, he did not know how to unbosom himself of his love for her.


1.vt. 吐露;透露

2.vi. 剖明心迹;吐露心事

“…他的同事,他们在一个办公室里工作。”这部分的翻译不宜这样“…colleague, working in the same office.”宜译作…one of his fellow-workers.

“小伙子性格内向”如果用“内向”的准确的心理学上的对应词,用在此处似欠妥,词义太重,我们建议用一般性词汇,a man of few words。

“不善言辞”不指外交家不善谈判、政客不善演讲、老师不善讲课,而是指小伙子不善于向姑娘诉说爱情。译作not good at speaking/making speeches 似不妥,建议译作not good at expressing his feelings。

“表达他的爱慕之意”,译作express his love for her似不够精彩,我们用unbosom himself of his love to her。bosom是文学性用语,表示“胸脯”/“内心”,unbosom 做动词接oneself of 常指吐露心中感情等。


He had thought of writing love letters to her, but he had been a student of technology and was now working as a technician. He could not dig out one beautiful sentence from a mind which was stocked full with diagrams and graphs. Presenting flowers, as is often seen over TV and in films, was out of the question, there being no flower shops in this small town. As to a face-to-face confession of love, he absolutely had not the guts to do so.

guts [pl.] (informal)

· the courage and determination that it takes to do sth difficult or unpleasant· 勇气;胆量;决心;毅力:

He doesn't have the guts to walk away from a well-paid job.他没胆量辞去一份报酬优厚的工作。

“学理工的”在此处,“理工”一词译作technology就够,不必用science and engineering二个词,因为“麻省理工学院”、“加州理工学院”、“墨尔本理工学院”等英语原名就是“Massachusetts Institute of Technology”,“California Institute of Technology”,“Melbourne Institute of Technology”。

“满脑子的图形”中的“图形”不宜用pictures,因为这里指的是理工科技术人员,宜用diagrams 和graphs。diagram常指显示机器等工作原理等图,graph常指表示数字升降,比较等的曲线图。

“直接了当地告诉女孩子说‘我爱你’”,不宜用straightforward,blunt,point-blank。这三个词常指表达意见,提出批评时 “不拐弯抹角”。我们建议用 a face-to-face confession of love(当面倾吐爱慕之情)


Usually speaking, such a young man is a hopeless suitor. But as a matter of fact they got married a year later. When asked about his successful experience, he confided, “The first thing I did every morning after coming to the office is wipe her desk and put on her desk a cup of green tea which she likes. She has a weak stomach, so I also placed on her desk some medicine for stomach trouble. It wasn’t long before she found who had been paying her all these attentions. As simple as that!”

suitor noun

1. (old-fashioned)· a man who wants to marry a particular woman· 求婚者

2. (business 商)· a company that wants to buy another company· 有意收购另一公司的公司

“这样的恋情。没有什么希望的了”中的 “恋情”不能译作romantic love,是“浪漫的恋爱关系”,他与她还没有建立任何恋爱关系。我们的参考译文根本未把“恋情”作主语,而是用了a young man,这样上下文连贯性较好,因为上文一直是围绕“小伙子”展开。我们改译为“通常这样的追求者是没有希望的。”

suitor 这个词较旧,用以指恋爱问题上如此守旧的年轻人倒反而比较恰当。

“有人向他讨教”中的“讨教”的对应词是ask for advice,一般情况是恰当的,此处并不合适,这是因为下文不是他给别人的“意见”或“建议”,而是他像别人介绍自己的成功经验。我们据此理解翻译。


·make tea 指制作茶(烧水,冲等);

·infuse指把茶叶泡入水中,infuse tea leaves in hot water to make tea,把茶叶泡瞌睡中准备沏茶,也可以说let the tea infuse for a few minutes,把茶泡几分钟,让味出来;




“她不知道是我做的这些事情”一般会译成“She didn't know I did all those things”。这样译很达意,连贯性也好。但是有个更恰当的习惯说法:pay sb attentions。attention一般是不可数名词,但偶尔可用作复数,意思是“(出于爱慕,尊敬作的)各种殷勤行为”。这一用法用以指这种罕见的求爱方式反而恰当。

问:is wipe 这句语法错误吗?be动词后面怎么直接加动词原形呢?

答1⃣️:主语带do表语省略to的情况,当主语部分有动词do的某种形式时,用作表语的不定式可以省略to。如:All you do now is (to) complete the form.你现在要做的只是把这张表填好。The only thing to do now is (to) go on. 前进是现在唯一的出路。



His words remind me of the word “romantic”. Writing love letters is an outpouring of romantic feelings, so is offering a big bunch of red roses.

outpouring noun

1. [usually pl.] · a strong and sudden expression of feeling· (感情的)迸发,倾泻:spontaneous outpourings of praise 一片自然迸发的赞美声

2. a large amount of sth produced in a short time· 涌现;喷涌:

a remarkable outpouring of new ideas 新思想的大量涌现

此句和下句共有六个“...是浪漫”,翻译时一定要达意,要有变化。“写情书时一种浪漫”不能逐字直译为Writing love letters is a kind of romance。我们改译为Writing love letters is an outpouring of romantic feelings,这样主语和补语逻辑上才能沟通。



The expression of love follows no definite pattern. I wonder if wiping the desk and preparing tea and medicine for a person of one’s heart is not one of the ways. Maybe true love lies in giving heart-felt care and whole-hearted protection. That and that alone is the reddest rose nurtured by the spring of life.

nurture verb, noun

■ [VN] (formal)to care for and protect sb / sth while they are growing and developing· 养育;养护;培养 These delicate plants need careful nurturing. 这些幼嫩的植物需要精心培育。


“我不知道,擦桌子...是否也是一种浪漫”作者似乎在提出一个问题,实际上作者不是不知道,而是明确地认为,这三种方式是一种浪漫,语气相当于英语的rhetorical question(修辞疑问句)。我们建议的译文是I wonder if wiping the desk... is not one of the ways... “I wonder”后接肯定的间接疑问句,则表示I的肯定看法。用直接疑问句来表达则是“Is’t writing...or...one of the ways?”I wonder.

“生命之火所点燃的最绚丽的花朵”。小品文作者用富有诗意的话这样结束他的文章。我们按照作者的原意,围绕“花,(与上下文连贯),改译作玫瑰”,改用这样的比喻:That and that alone is the reddest rose nurtured by the spring of life。


暗恋某人 be secretly in love with sb

性格内向 a man of few words

不善言辞not good at express one’s feelings

吐露心中感情unbosom oneself of

学理工的a student of technology

当面倾吐爱慕之情 a face-to-face confession of love

有胆量做某事 have guts to do sth.

胃不好have a weak stomach

就这么简单 as simple as that

(出于爱慕、尊敬作的)各种殷勤行为pay sb attentions

生命之火所点燃的最绚丽的花朵the reddest rose nurtured by the spring of life
