导航意思: 现在的


解析: present 指现在存在或发生的,只作定语。

例句: The present oil reserves of the country might be used up by the end of the next century.

翻译: 该国现有的石油储备到下世纪末可能用完。

例句: The present situation of the gold market has puzzled many economists.

翻译: 目前黄金市场的形势使许多经济学家迷惑不解。

例句: A few brief comments are sufficient for present purposes.

翻译: 就当前而言,几句简短的话已经足够了。


解析: current 指现时发生的或当今时代的,只作定语。

例句: We learn about current events through the radio or TV.

翻译: 我们通过无线电或电视了解时事。

例句: This is the current fashion in jackets.

翻译: 这是现在流行的夹克款式。

例句: The current situation is very different to that in 1990.

翻译: 当前的形势与1990年截然不同。


解析: recent 指新近发生或刚刚开始的。

例句: She has great interest in recent developments in science.

翻译: 她对科学领域的最新发展有极大的兴趣。

例句: He has made several friends who share the same hobby during his recent visit to America.

翻译: 在最近去美国的一次旅行中,他结交了几位有共同爱好的朋友。

