Hi 米粉们,周末快乐~~欢迎来到Mia的英语课堂。



Let’s get started.


set aside留出****的时间

英英释义:If you set something aside for a special use or purpose, you keep it available for that use or purpose.

示 例:

1. Parents should set aside time each day for active play together, perhaps tossing a ball, having a dance party or taking a walk after a family meal. 家长们需要每天留出时间跟孩子一起玩,比如扔球游戏、举办个舞会或者是饭后散步。

2. I set aside one hour every morning to study English. 我每天早上都留出1个小时学习英语。


此外,set aside 还有其他一些常用的含义。


英英释义: save money for a special purpose.

示 例:I've set aside 100,000 yuan for my son's future education. 我为儿子以后的教育攒好了10万元钱。


英英释义:If you set aside a belief, principle, or feeling, you decide that you will not be influenced by it.

示 例:In times of war people tend to set aside political differences. 战争时期,人民比较倾向于放下政治分歧。

【Let’s Talk】

What do you set aside for? Leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you.


