- Something casual? These are selling like crazy.(注‬:People are eating these like crazy.People are watching this like crazy.)

- Oh, that’s cute. I’ll take it.

- It will look great on you!

I have a t-shirt on.

That t-shirt looks great on you.

These pants don't look good on me.

- Oh, God. 800¥ for a T-shirt? What is this made of? It’s a complete rip-off!

This statue is made of stone.

This shirt is made from cotton.

- This brand is very popular, miss. It’s a designer piece.


‘rip-off’ is something that is grossly overpriced, kind of a fraud


n.索价过高(或物非所值)的东西;仿制品;冒牌货noun the act of stealingsynonym: heist

1. 骗人的东西2.欺骗3.欺诈4. 宰客5.宰人6.使上当

例句1.It was a rip-off, plain and simple. 这是一个不折不扣的冒牌货。

strip off是什么意思啊(ripoff是啥意思)(1)

strip off是什么意思啊(ripoff是啥意思)(2)

strip off是什么意思啊(ripoff是啥意思)(3)
