

新概念英语第一册 Lesson 3


第一册 Lesson 3,共10个生词

1. umbrella [ʌm'brelə] n.伞

umbrella 伞;雨伞;阳伞

I felt a few spots of rain so I put my umbrella up. 我感到有几滴雨点,于是便撑起了雨伞。

I left another umbrella on the bus yesterday. 我昨天又把一把伞落在公交车上了。

2. Please [pli:z] int.请

A. please/pli:z/感叹词;感叹语;感叹句exclamation

1. used to make a request more polite 好吗,请(用于客气地请求)

Could I have two cups of coffee and a tea, please? 给我来两杯咖啡、一杯茶好吗?

Please remember to close the windows before you leave. 您离开前请记住关上窗户。

2. used to add force to a request or demand 请,求求你(用于加强请求或要求的语气)

Please, David, put the knife down. 求求你,戴维,把刀放下。

Oh, please. Do shut up! 好了,别说了!

3. UK used especially by children to a teacher or other adult in order to get their attention 让我说(尤指儿童为引起老师或其他成年人的注意时的用语)

Please, Miss, I know the answer! 我来说,老师,我知道答案!

4. used when accepting something politely or enthusiastically 行,谢谢用于礼貌或热情地接受某物时

"More beer?" "Please."


"May I bring my boyfriend?" "Please do." “我可以带我男朋友来吗?”“当然可以。”

♥please. verb-please , pleases , pleasing , pleased

1. (使)开心;(使)满意;取悦 [I or T] to make someone feel happy or satisfied, or to give someone pleasure

I only got married to please my parents. 我结婚只是为了让我父母高兴。

He was always a good boy, very friendly and eager to please. 他一直是个好孩子,对人非常友好热情。

[ 跟复合宾语please obj to infinitive]

It always pleases me to see a well-designed dress! 看到一本设计精美的连衣裙,我总是很开心。

2 [不及物动词IT] slightly formal to want, like or choose, when used with words such as 'whatever', 'whoever' and 'anywhere' 愿意,乐意(与 whatever, whoever 和 anywhere 等词连用)

She thinks she can just do whatever/as she pleases. 她觉得自己可以为所欲为。

I shall go out with whoever I please. 我想和谁出去就和谁出去。

3. here [hiə] ad.这里

4. my [mai] 我的

5. ticket ['tikit] n.票

1. ticket 入场券; 票,可数名词 N-COUNT

A ticket is a small, official piece of paper or card which shows that you have paid to enter a place such as a theatre or a sports stadium, or shows that you have paid for a trip.


He had a ticket for a flight on Friday. 他有一张星期五的机票。


He bought two tickets for the game. 他买了两张比赛入场券。


2. ticket (交通) 罚款通知单; 违章传票,可数名词N-COUNT

A ticket is an official piece of paper which orders you to pay a fine or to appear in court because you have committed a driving or parking offence.


Slow down or you'll get a ticket.



3. ticket N-COUNT

A ticket for a game of chance such as a raffle or a lottery is a piece of paper with a number on it. If the number on your ticket matches the number chosen, you win a prize.


She bought a lottery ticket and won more than $5 million.

她买了一张,中了五百多万美元。6. number ['nʌmbə] n.号码


1. [C] one of a series of the symbols used in counting, which is used to mark a particular example of something 号码;…号

They live at number 34 JIEFANG Street.他们住在解放街34号。

Please write your mobile phone number on this form. 请把你的手机号写在这张表格上。

What's our flight number? 我们的航班号是多少?


2. number 符号

1. 数字 [C] a unit which forms part of the system of counting and calculating

25, 300 and a billion are all numbers. 25 300和10亿都是数字。

She's very good with numbers (= good at adding, subtracting, etc). 她非常擅长数字运算。



3 [C] a telephone number 电话号码

I gave him my number. 我把自己的电话号码给了他。

常见错误❌COMMON LEARNER ERROR: number or figure?To talk about a set of numbers or an amount expressed in numbers, the more usual word is figures. 用來表示一組數字或者用數字來表示一定數量時,更常用的詞是figures。

Don't say 'unemployment /sales /tax numbers', instead,say unemployment/sales/tax figures: 不要用‘unemployment/sales/tax numbers’,而應該用unemployment/sales/tax figures:

❌Our sales numbers were better this year than last year. (錯誤的用法)

✔Our sales figures were better this year than last year. 我們今年的銷售數據比去年的好。


4. number AMOUNT 数量

[主语S] [ 单/复数谓语动词sing/pl verb] an amount or total 数目;总数。♥注意以下例句谓语动词的单复数形式。

The number of people killed in road accidents falls this month,as usual. 通常,这个月,死于交通事故的人数有所下降。

There has been an increasing number of cases of the Novel Crown disease. 患这种新冠病的人数持续上升。

A small number of children are educated at home. 少数孩子在家接受教育。

slightly formal

A large number of invitations has been sent. 大量请柬已经发出。

Letters of complaint were surprisingly few in number (= there were not many of them). 投诉信出乎意料地少。



5 .Newspapers are produced in vast numbers. 报纸发行量巨大。


6 a number of things several of a particular type of thing


I decided not to go, for a number of reasons. 我决定不去,有几个理由。

7. five [faiv] num.五

fifth 第五

Lesson 5 第五课

The Fifth Lesson 第五课

8. sorry ['sɔri] a.对不起的


9. sir [sə:] n.先生


1 先生 used as a formal and polite way of speaking to a man, especially one who you are providing a service to or who is in a position of authority CN: 先生CNS:

Would you like to see the menu, sir? 您要看看菜单吗,先生?

—Did you hear what I said?—Yes, sir. 听到我说的话了吗?是的,先生。

2 尊敬的先生(用于正式信函中称呼不知姓名的男性收信人)尊敬的各位先生(正式商务信函的旧式信首称呼语) Dear Sir,used to begin a formal letter to a man whose name you do not know.

特别注意focus: 'Dear Sirs' is an old fashioned way of beginning a letter to a company.

3 尊敬的先生或女士,敬启者(用于正式信函中称呼不知性别的收信人)Dear Sir or Madam,used to begin a formal letter when you do not know whether the person you are writing to is a man or a woman

习惯用语no sir US informal certainly not 决不,绝不,绝对不

I'm not going to ride the subway, no sir! 我不会去乘地铁,绝对不会!

10. cloakroom ['kləukru:m] n.(公共场所的)衣帽存放处,衣帽间,美国英语也作 checkroom

A:(尤指公共场所的)厕所,盥洗室,洗手间 US also checkroom: a room in a public building such as a restaurant, theatre, etc. where coats, bags, and other personal things can be left while their owners are in the building B: UK polite word for toilet, especially one in a public building

I went to the cloakroom in the first interval. 第一次幕间休息时,我去了洗手间。

