王颖昌 陕西云德律师事务所


On January 1, 2021, the "Civil Code of the People's Republic of China" was formally implemented, with a total of 1,260 articles. Regarding the content of the chapter on inheritance, compared with the previous "Inheritance Law of the People's Republic of China", there are also great changes. There are new additions, deletions, and modifications. The new content:




1. The presumption of the start time of inheritance and the order of death has been newly added. Inheritance begins when the decedent dies. If several people who have inherited relations with each other die in the same incident and it is difficult to determine the time of death, it is presumed that there is no other heir to die first. There are other heirs. Those with different generations are presumed to die first; those with the same generation are presumed to die at the same time, and no inheritance occurs.

2. The new inheritance leniency system, the heir will lose the right of inheritance if he commits one of the following behaviors: (1) intentionally killing the heir; (2) killing other heirs for the purpose of fighting for the inheritance; (3) abandoning the heir or mistreating the heir Serious; (4) Forging, falsifying, concealing or destroying the will, the circumstances are serious; (5) Using fraud or coercion to force or hinder the establishment, alteration or withdrawal of the will, the circumstances are serious. If the heir has committed the third to fifth behaviors of the preceding paragraph and has indeed shown repentance, and the heir expresses forgiveness or later lists him as the heir in the will, the heir shall not lose the right of inheritance. The legatee shall lose the right to be bequeathed if he commits the acts specified in the first paragraph of this article.





3. New nephews and nephews can be succeeded by subrogation. If the children of the decedent die before the decedent, they will be succeeded by the blood relatives of the direct descendants of the decedent's children. If the siblings of the deceased die before the deceased, they shall be succeeded by the children of the siblings of the deceased. Subrogation heirs generally can only inherit the share of the estate that the subrogated heir is entitled to inherit.

4. Add the form of testamentary inheritance, and the printed will should be witnessed by more than two witnesses. The testator and witnesses should sign each page of the will, indicating the year, month, and day; a will made in the form of audio or video recording should be witnessed by two or more witnesses. The testator and witnesses shall record their name or portrait, as well as the year, month, and day in the audio and video recordings.

5. A new inheritance administrator system is added. After the inheritance begins, the executor is the estate administrator; if there is no executor, the heirs should promptly elect the estate administrator; if the heirs are not selected, the heirs shall jointly serve as the estate administrator; there is no heir or If all heirs renounce the inheritance, the civil affairs department or village committee of the place where the heir lived before his life shall act as the estate manager.













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Yunde Law Firm

