



1.不定式的构成形式:to do\to be done\to be doing\to have done \to have been done



1)主 谓(推断) to be(表同时)/to have done(表发生在主要动词之前)谓语动词:seem,appear,be said,be supposed,be believed, be thought,be reported,be known等。

2)主 谓(希望) to do(表将来)/to have done (表过去原本希望,但未能实现)谓语动词:hoped,meant,wanted,expected,wished,planned,promised,disired等.but常用于其后。


A.It takes sb. some time\some money\some trouble to do sth.

B It costs sb.some money\time\energy\labour to do sth.

C.It is adj. for sb. to do sth.

D.It is adj. of sb. to do sth.( 常用形容词good,kind,clever,stupid,cruel,rude,polite,wrong,right,wise,brave,careful,naughty...)

4)不定式作宾语,常用it代替。句式为:主 consider,think,make,feel,find, know,regard,believe it 宾补 to do sth.



6.常用不带to不定式作宾补的动词有:see,look at,watch,notice,observe,listen to,hear,feel,\make,have,let.\help (to) *find sb.to be\get sb.to.

7.疑问词 不定式=名词短语或名词从句。

8.不定式作状语表目的,结果,原因,条件等 。

特例:1) in order to=so as to(只用于句子后)\...so as to=so...as to=in order that\so that 从句can\could\may\might v.表目的。

2)so as to v.=so that ...表结果。

3)too adj.\adv. for sb. to do sth.

4) adj.\adv. enough to do sth.(enough修饰名词可前可后)


特例:主 seem\appear\happen to v.


1)不定式的动词如果是不及物动词,应带上介词。( 修饰time,place,way除外)


A 不定式与所修饰的词构成逻辑上的主谓关系常用主动。

B 不定式与所修饰的词构成逻辑上的动宾关系与主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系常用主动。

C there be结构中,视强调点不同而不同。




B:do something\anything\nothing but\except\besides v.

C:Why not...?had better,would rather之后。

2)动词的省略:下列动词常省略所重复的动词,但be和have 助动词除外。(want\hope\wish\'d like\hate\try\ought\mean\plan\need\used\be able \be going \be supposed to.)



A.当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式动作的承受者时,如:Do you have any clothes to be washed?I will wash them for you.

B.不定式作定语,作表语形容词的状语时,主动表被动,如:1)I have some maths problems to work out. 2)He found Chinese difficult to learn.



A .doing\being done\having done\having been done

B.复合结构(名词所有格或物主代词 动名词作主语或宾语/名词普通格或代词宾格 动名词作宾语)

C.not 动名词为否定形式。


3.下列动词只用动名词作宾语:complete,finish,mind,enjoy,practise,resist,risk,delay,imagine,suggest,understand,excuse,report,miss,prevent,give up,can't help,put off,get through,burst out,consider,go on,advise,appreciate,avoid,escape,allow,favour,include.


1)be\get used to\come to\add to \look forward to\devote to\stick to\lead to\be sentenced to\get to

2) be fond of \be afraid of\be tired of

3) keep on\go on\insist on

5.惯用语中。have nobusiness doing(无权做)\feel like doing\make a point of doing(认为......是必要的)\on\upon doing\have\form a habit of doing\have an idea of doing.

6.want\need\require\demand doing\to be done;

be worth doing=be worthy of being done\be worthy to be done

7. 以下句型中

1)have difficulty\trouble\problem\fun\pleasure\a good time\a hard time in doing.

2)There is no need\use\harm\hurry\point in doing

3) It is no use doing\of no use to do/doing\no good doing\any use doing \a waste of time doing\fun doing\worthwhile to do /doing.



1.try to do尽力做; try doing试着做

2.mean to do打算做; mean doing意味着,意思是

3.propose to do打算做; propose doing提出......

4.remember\forget to do\ doing

5.regret to do遗憾要做某事; regret doing后悔做了某事

6.stop to do停下来做另外一件事; stop doing停下来当前做的事

7.like\love\prefer\hate to do表心理或一次性具体动作; ~ doing表习惯

8.begin\start\continue to do \doing意义不变

(二)allow\advise\forbid\permit doing /sb. to do


1.idea\method\habit\purpose of doing sth.

2.way\ pleasure\time\chance\plan\power to do\doing sth.

3.effort\failure\promise\desire to do sth.

三. 分词


现在分词doing\being done (表示正在进行)

having done\having been done (表示分词的动作先于谓语动词的动作完成)



名词主格 分词构成独立主格结构(可加with\without)

*not 分词构成否定形式

2.分词的语法功能:定语,状语,宾补, 表语。


4.作状语:时间(有时加when \while),条件,原因,结果,伴随状况。


1)感官动词/使役动词 宾语 do\doing\done

2)leave\find 宾语 doing\done


eg. 1)The weather being fine, we went out for a walk.

2)When she hearing the bad news,tears came into her eyes.

7.get/be lost/married/dressed/caught/hidden/seated/changed


Ⅰ 不定式

1.Charlies Babbage is generally considered ___ the first computer.

A to have invented B inventing

C to invent D having invented

2.He left home early only ___ he was late as he went a wrong way.

A found B to find C finding D being found

3.The government was made ___ up the new plan.

A give B giving C to be given D to give

4.The boy want to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him___.

A not to B not to do C not do it D donot to

5.-----Do you work in the lab every afternoon?

----- No,but sometimes I wish I ____.

A had time to B had time to do

C have time to D have time

6.I'll do whatever I can ____ my English.

A improve B to improve C improving D to improving

7.Could you tell me the way you've thought of___?

A to do it B doing it C do it D has to do it

8.He was often listened ___ in the next room.

A sing B sung C to sing D to to sing

9.Would you be ___ shut the window?

A enough kind to B kind enough not to

C kind enough to D so kind enough as to

10.Don't take the medicine, it can't help ___ rid of your cold.

A getting B to get C to getting D gets

11.We should prevent pollution ___ happily.

A live B to live C living D from living.

12.My grandmother seems to have a lot ____.

A worry about B to worry

C to be worried D to worry about

13.Every minute is made full ___of ___our lessons.

A to use,study B use,studying

C useful,to study D use, to study

14.I would love___ to the party last night,but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

A to go B to have gone C going D having gone

15.The man kept silent in the room unless ____.

A spoken to B spoke to C spoken D to speak

16.-----The light in the office is still on.

----Oh,I forgot ___.

A turn it off B to turn it off C turning it off D having turned it off

17.The problem ____ this afternoon is very serious.

A being discussed B discussed C to be discussed D will be discussed

18.I had meant ____ on you, but I was busy.

A call B to call C calling D be calling

19.------Do you often have someone ____ your clothes?

-----Yes,I often have them ___.

A wash,to wash B to wash,washed

C washed,wash D wash,washed

20.-----Do you have any clothes ____?I'd like to wash them for you.

-----No,thank you,I'll wash them myself.

A to be washed B to wash C washed D being washed

21.Mary seems ___ the bad news, for she looks nice and happy.

A not to have learned B not to be learning

C not having learned D not to be learned

22.Soapy tried to become good when he remembered his dear mother,___ sent to prison at last.

A only to be B being C having been D was

23.Whom would you rather ___the work?

A to have to do B to have do

C have to do D have do

(1--5ABDAA6--10BADCB11---15BDDBA 16--20 BCBBA 21--23AAD)

Ⅱ 动名词

1.What's troubling them is ___ enough experienced workers.

A that they have no B they have not

C their not having D not their having

2.The squirrel was lucky that it just missed____.

A catching B to be catched C being caught D to caught

3.-----You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.

----- Well,now I reget ____that.

A to do B to be doing C to have done D having done

4.How about the two of us ____ a walk down the garden?

A to take B take C taking D to be taking

5.This sentence needs ____.

A improvement B improve C improving D improved

6.I can hardly imagine Peter ____ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.

A sail B sailing C to sail D to have sailed

7.Do you think it any good ___ with him again?

A to talk B talking C to talking D having talked

8.-----I usually go there by train.

-----Why not ____ by boat for a change?

A to try going B trying to go C to try and go D try going

9.Mary said she was looking forward as much to his return as he himself to ___ her.

A have seen her B seeing C see D be seen

10.Please excuse my ___ in without ___.

A come; permitted B coming;permitted

C coming; being permitted D to come; being permitted

11.The government forbids ____ such bad books.

A published B to publish C publish D publishing

12.We all tried to stop him ___ in bed but he would do it.

A smoke B to smoke C smoking D smoked

13.----- We 'll go to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.

---- What about ___?

A when we leave B to leave C us to leav D when leaving

14.___ no point in refusing.

A It seems B There seems C There seem DIt seemed

15.My sister suggested me ___ __ to the park for a short rest.

A to B should go C going D to go

16.There is no chance ___ him today.

A in seeing B to seeing C of seeing D about seeing

17.I don't feel like ___ there with you.

A to go B going C going to D to go to


Ⅲ 分词

1.The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,___ that he had enjoyed his stay here.

A having added B to add C adding D added

2."Can't you read?"Mary said___ to the notice.

A angrily pointing B and point angrily

C angrily pointed D and angrily pointing

3.___ in thought ,he almost ran into the car in front of him.

A Losing B Having lost C Lost D To lost

4.He wrote me a letter,___ me his trouble and he asked me for advice.

A tell B telling C told D to tell

5.___ twice ,he was cured at last.

A operating B Having been operated on

C Operated on D Being operated

6.____ his telephone number, she had some difficulty getting in touch with Bill.

A Not knowing B Knowing not

C Not having known D Having not known

7.When ___, ice changes into water.

A to heat B heating C heated D they are heated

8.___ where to go, he asked a policeman the way.

A Having lost his way and not knowing

B Losing his way and didn't know

C Lost his way and not knowing

D Lost his way and didn't know

9.Greatly moved by her words,___.

A tears came into his eyes

B he could hardly hold back his tears

C tears could hardly be held back

D his eyes were filled with tears

10.When ___ why he walked in without permission, he just stared at us and said nothing.

A been said B asked D asking D to be asked

11.The first textbooks ___ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.

A having written B to be written

C being written D written

12.The murderer was brought in, with his hands ___ behind his back.

A being tied B having tied C to be tied D tied

13.Most of the artists ___ to the party were from South Africa.

A invited B to invite C being invited D had been invited

14.The computer centre,___ last year, is very popular among the students in this school .

A open B opening C having opened D opened

15.The next morning she found the man ___ in bed,dead.

A lying B lie C lay D laying

16.The film made all the students ___ to tears.

A move B moved C to move D moving

17.Sometimes new ideas have to be tested many times before ____.

A accepting fully B being fully accepted

C fully accepting D fully being accepted

18.A cold rain was falling,___ with ice ball.

A mixed B mixing C having mixed D to mix




