1.什么是个人品牌waht is your personal professional brand,下面我们就来聊聊关于职场个人品牌解决方案?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!




waht is your personal professional brand


When it comes to brand, we are very familiar with it, such as a well-known product, a well-known company. Different people have different understandings of brands. The author believes that brands are generally recognized as product labels with some characteristics different from other products to some extent. Personal professional brand refers to the external image, behavior habits and inner cultivation that are different from others in the work field or in social contact. Therefore, personal professional brand can also be understood as a label that differentiates you from others.


The connotation of personal professional brand


Personal professional brand is a collection group of multiple elements, but the author believes that personal professional brand is mainly measured from three dimensions: external personal iamge, behavior habits,and internal thoughts. When we come into contact with a person, the first thing that leaves a preliminary impression is a person's external image, including dress, appearance and face. A business person who is dressed formally and unsmiling is mostly from the government and enterprise departments, while those who are dressed casually and have a natural expression are mostly from the leisure sports industry. We will have different judgments on different clothes and manners.


At the same time, personal professional brand is also reflected in our daily behavior habits, such as social behavior, work skills and style in the workplace and so on. For example, in life, we may say that someone is tactful or reliable at work, which directly and indirectly reflect others' recognition and positioning of a personal professional brand.


In addition to the appearance and behavior habits mentioned above, thought is also an important factor of personal professional brand. For example, we often say that a person's three value views and cognition, to some extent, reflect a person's thoughts, while thoughts directly guide a person's daily behavior.People who can think independently, have their own opinions and independent cognition can treat problems critically from a certain height and make judgments and decisions more rationally.


Benefits of building personal professional brand


The benefits of brands for businesses company are well understood. For example, if the brand of the enterprise is good, the business will be easier to do, the product will be popular, the company is also easy to hire people, otherwise it is not. The same is true of personal professional branding, when a person has a good professional reputation in the industry, with a good personal professional brand, everything comes naturally.For example, to do business, even though it is the same product and solution, others will give priority to cooperate with you because they trust you.when Negotiate projects,and people will accelerate cooperation because they trust you. When Encounter a problem,it can be easily solved by introducing who you are; if you have good personal professional brand, many opportunities will follow you,such as: jobs, business opportunities, etc. The girl called Li ziqi who is from sichuan province is very popular recently, the products of her taobao shop seems very popular, are these fans really paying for the products demand? No, many of them are just paying for li ziqi's personal brand. So we can see the importance of personal professional brand. Therefore, the advantages of establishing a good personal professional brand can be reflected in:

l 加速信任传递

Speed up the trust transfer

l 拥有话语权

Have the right to make decision

l 影响他人的认知和决策

Influence other people's perceptions and decisions

l 可以成为行业权威

You can be an authority


The Steps of building personal professional brand


Building your own personal professional brand is all about figuring out who you want to be and how others perceive you, either in the workplace or elsewhere. What kind of person was and is "I" and what kind of person should "I" become? What measures and methods should "I" take to transform the current "I" into the "personal professional brand" image I expect, so as to solidify the brand image and form a kind of cognition and consensus in the minds of others? Therefore, to establish a personal professional brand,the author believes that we should start from the following several dimensions.


Analysis on past experience and strengths


To solve the problem of how others view me, we should have a clear understanding of ourselves and objectively analyze our strengths and weaknesses. Only by knowing who I am can I become who I want to be. Therefore,a comprehensive and objective self-cognition analysis is very important.

l 自我认知必须客观的:从过往经历中客观认清自己的优势和劣势

Self-cognition must be objective: an objective recognition of your strengths and weaknesses from past experiences

l 自我认知必须是全面的:要综合全方位认识自己,认识自己的过去和现在,规划自己的未来

Self-cognition must be comprehensive: a comprehensive understanding of yourself, your past and present, and planning for your future


Positioning your personal professional brand


The so-called personal professional brand positioning is what kind of person they want to become, and what kind of label they want others to put on them. Once determined, this abstract brand portrait should be fixed. Before doing personal professional brand positioning, in addition to a clear understanding of their past and a clear plan for the future; one must do as follows:

l 定位必须是自己擅长的

Personal professional brand Positioning must be your own specialty

l 定位必须是积极的

Personal professional brand Positioning must be positive

l 定位必须是自己拥有的

Personal professional brand positioning must be what you have

l 定位必须是行业聚焦的

Personal professional brand positioning must be focused

l 定位必须能给他人解决问题的

Personal professional brand positioning can help others


The implementation of personal professional brand


The so-called personal professional brand implementation is to convey the personal brand image of some specific ways and means to others. For example, if you want to be a professional manager in the workplace, then whether you show management ability and professionalism in your daily work and other related events that can prove your professional integrity is a way to build your professional brand. In this process, our every movement has a common understanding of a third party or others and is given a label. If the label is consistent with our initial personal professional brand positioning, the establishment and implementation of this personal brand will be successful, otherwise it will be a failure. Therefore, the landing and establishment process of personal professional brand is actually the comprehensive embodiment of personal principles, values, professional ethics and working ability in social and workplace, and the process of being recognized by others and forming a broad consensus.


Personal professional brand communication


Chinese traditional culture stresses the middle way, modest and low-key, and also most think good wine needs no bush.However,in order to establish one's own personal professional brand, it is still necessary to carry out appropriate personal brand communication. In the communication process, the following factors need to be considered:

l 案例故事化

Case story-telling


In personal professional brand communication, we should be good at presenting past successful experiences in the form of stories, so as to impress the audience and make them feel intuitive.

l 传播平台

Communication platform


Personal professional brand communication platform is actually a social platform and professional platform, our common social platform and workplace platform are: WeChat, QQ, weibo, WeChat public, linkedin, facebook, Youtube, personal website and so on. If conditions permit, you can also have some news medias, etc.

l 传播形式

Communication format


The communication forms of personal professional brand mainly include: text output (such as output short articles), picture output, video output, voice output (online sharing), offline forum sharing meeting output, industry conference, etc., and can also be a combination of the above forms of output.

l 传播中注意的问题

Problems in communication


As mentioned above, there are many communication platforms and output forms for personal professional brand communication. However, we should pay attention to the unity of output content and form. The ultimate goal is to focus on the main line of personal professional brand.


Commercialization of personal professional brand


When a certain degree of popularity and industry influence is established in the industry, commercial operation can be carried out with the help of personal professional brand popularity to achieve commercial profits.
