编者按/精读指导(B): 从今天开始我们进入《哈利波特与混血王子》英语原著的泛读与精读学习,Lesson 1选自英文版 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince第1章第14页,在本课中新任魔法部部长鲁弗斯·斯克林杰(Rufus Scrimgeour)出场,第一段从政府首相的角度描述的相貌,这是本课我们的一个学习重点,如何描写好一个人的相貌。

本课学习中,我们需要重点掌握下列单词、固定短语:rim, shortly, go down to business, draw yourself up/rise to your full height, get rid of sb, hotly 。这些词有的是固定短语,有的是我们常见的词汇,但是它们的义项和我们想想的有所不同。

shortly ‘没好气地; 不耐烦地’: “ ‘I’d rather not be interrupted,’ said Scrimgeour shortly, ‘or watched’ (2014f, 14)”。

shortly ‘开始做某事;开始认真注意[或对待]某事’在《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》中给出了要给和课文完全一样的例子:Let’s get down to business. (咱们开始干正事吧/开门见山) [2014f: 14]。

get rid of sb /sth在《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》中给出‘摆脱;丢弃;扔掉’含义,列在动词rid词条下;在<Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary> (fourth edition) 中给出这个短语,列在形容词词条下:get rid of sb [C1] to send away someone annoying or to persuade them to leave. [2014f: 14] 。

hotly含义为‘愤怒地;激动地;强烈地’: “‘I’m not getting rid of Kingsley Shacklebolt, if that’s what you’re suggesting!’ said the Prime Minister (2014f, 14)”。

The Prime Minister’s first, foolish thought was that Rufus Scrimgeour


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapt1, page 14

prime minister (also Prime Minister) n: (abbr. PM) (首相;总理) [9A: 83; 2014f: 14]

foolish [ˈfuːlɪʃ] adj: (愚蠢的; 傻的;荒唐的) SYN: silly, stupid. [2914f: 14]

rather [ˈrɑːðə(r)] adv: ([常用于表示轻微的批评、失望或惊讶]相当,在某种程度上) [9A: 166; 2014a: 112; 2014e: 134; 2014f: 14]

streak [striːk] n: (条纹;条痕) [2014f: 14]

grey [ɡreɪ] n: (灰色; 烟灰色; 灰白色) [2014f: 14]

mane [meɪn] n: (informal or literary) a person’s long or thick hair. (长发; 浓密的头发) [2014f: 14]

tawny [ˈtɔːni] adj: brownish-yellow in colour. (黄褐色的; 茶色的). [2014a: 77; 2014f: 14]

bushy [ˈbʊʃi] adj: (of hair or fur) growing thickly. (浓密的; 茂密的; 多叶的) [2014a: 15; 2014d: 349; 2014f: 14]

eyebrow [ˈaɪbraʊ] n: (眉; 眉毛) [2014b: 303; 2014d: 379; 2014e: 170; 2014f: 14]

keen [kiːn] adj: [only before noun] highly developed. (灵敏的;敏锐的) SYN: sharp. [2014f: 14]

yellowish [ˈjeləʊɪʃ] (also less frequent yellowy) adj: fairly yellow in colour. (微黄色的; 发黄的). [2014a: 36; 2014f: 14]

rim [rɪm] n: -rimmed adj.: have a particular type of rim. (有···框[或边]的) [2014f: 14]

spectacle [ ˈspektəkl] n: spectacles [pl.] = glasses (眼镜) [2014b: 141; 2014d: 256; 2014f: 14]

rangy [ˈreɪndʒi] adj: (四肢瘦长的) [2014f: 14]

lope [ləʊp] v: adv./prep. (轻松地大步跑) [2014f: 14]

grace [ɡreɪs] n: (优美; 优雅) [2014f: 14]

limp [lɪmp] n: [usually sing] a way of walking in which one leg is used less than normal because it is injured or stiff. (跛行) [2014c: 337; 2014f: 14]

impression [ɪmˈpreʃn] n: (印象;感想) [2014d: 426; 2014f: 14]

shrewd [ʃruːd] adj: (精明的; 敏锐的; 有眼光的; 精于盘算的) astute.[2014b: 205]

shrewdness n: [2014f: 14]

tough [tʌf] adj: (严厉的; 强硬的; 无情的)

toughness n: [2014f: 14]

how do you do (becoming old-fashioned) used as a formal greeting when you meet sb for the first time. The usually reply is also how do you do? ([首次见面时候的问候语。通常的回答也是how do you do?]你好) [2014f: 14]

politely [pəˈlaɪtli] adv: (有礼貌地; 客气地; 儒雅地) [9A: 22; 2014f: 14]

hold sth – out to put your hands or arms, or sth in your hand, towards sb, especially to give or offer sth. (伸出手[或胳膊];递出东西). [2014a: 90; 2014e: 453; 2014f: 14]

grasp [ɡrɑːsp] v: ~ sb/sth (抓紧;抓牢) SYN: grip. [2014f: 14]

briefly [ˈbriːfli] adv: for a short time. (短暂地; 暂时地) [2014e: 762; 2014f: 14]

scan [skæn] v: (细看; 察看; 审视;端详) SYN: scrutinize. [2014e: 51; 2014f: 14]

wand [wɒnd] n: (also magic wand) a straight thin stick that is held by sb when performing magic or magic trick. (魔杖). [2014a: 63; 2014f: 14]

robe [rəʊb] n: a long loose outer piece of clothing, especially one worn as a sign of rank or office at a special ceremony. (袍服,礼袍[常于典礼中穿着以显示身份]). [2014a: 71; 2014b: 228; 2014d: 349; 2014e: 188; 2014f: 14]

stride [straɪd] v: (pt strode [strəʊd]) (not used in the prefect tenses) to walk with long steps in a particular direction. (大步走; 阔步行走). [2014a: 51; 2014b: 260; 2014d: 368; 2014e: 481; 2014f: 14]

tap [tæp] v: ~ (sth) ([用…]轻轻叩击) [2014f: 14]

keyhole [ˈkiːhəʊl] n: (锁眼; 钥匙孔) [2014e: 390; 2014f: 14]

click [klɪk] v: to make or cause sth to make a short sharp sound. ([使]发出咔哒声; 使咔哒[或咔嚓]响). [2014a: 9; 2014b: 261; 2014f: 14]

would rather …(than) (usually reduced to ‘d rather) would prefer to. (宁愿;更喜欢) [9A: 81; 2014f: 14]

unlocked [ˌʌnˈlɒkt] adj: not locked. (未锁的) [2014f: 14]

interrupt [ˌɪntəˈrʌpt] v: (插嘴;打扰;打岔) [2014e: 491; 2014f: 14]

shortly [ˈʃɔːtli] adv: in angry and impatient way. (没好气地; 不耐烦地) SYN: sharply. [2014f: 14]

sweep [swiːp] v (swept, swept): ~ sth to move, or move sth, over a surface, touching it lightly. ([使]轻轻掠过,轻轻擦过). [2014a: 9; 2014b: 94; 2014f: 14]

get down to sth: to begin to do sth; to give serious attention to sth. (开始做某事;开始认真注意[或对待]某事) [2014f: 14]

Let’s get down to business. (咱们开始干正事吧/开门见山) [2014f: 14]

draw [drɔː] v: adv/prep. to move in the direction mentioned. ([向某个方向]移动,行进) [2014a: 68; 2014b: 232; 2014e: 495; 2014f: 14]

draw yourself up/rise to your full height: to stand straight and tall in order to show your determination or high status. (昂首挺胸地站立[以示决心或地位高]) [2014f: 14]

perfectly [ˈpɜːfɪktli] adv: completely. (完全地; 非常; 十分) [2014f: 14]

cut in (on sb/sth): to interrupt sb when they are speaking. (打断[谈话];插嘴) SYN: butt in (on sb/sth) [2014f: 14]

be sb’s lookout (BrE, informal) ([认为某人的行为不明智]是某人自己的责任,是某人自己的事) [2014a: 268; 2014f: 14]

Muggle ['mʌg(ə)l] n: (麻瓜[是巫师对没有魔法人类别称的,也就是日常生活中的普通人,在《哈利波特》中人类被分成两类,巫师和麻瓜]). [2014a: 5; 2014d: 12; 2014f: 14]

imperious [ɪmˈpɪəriəs] adj: (formal) expecting people to obey you and treating them as if they are not as important as you. (专横的; 蛮横的; 盛气凌人的)

Imperius Curse [imperio] (夺魂咒) [2014d: 179; 2014e: 493; 2014f: 14; 2014g: 432]

rid [rɪd] adj:

get rid of sb/sth: (摆脱;丢弃;扔掉) [2014f: 14]

get rid of sb [C1] to send away someone annoying or to persuade them to leave. [2014f: 14]

hotly [ˈhɒtli] adv: (愤怒地;激动地;强烈地) [2014e: 69; 2014f: 14]

efficient [ɪˈfɪʃnt] adj: (效率高的;有功效的) OPP: inefficient. [2014f: 14]

get through sth: to manage to do or complete sth. (设法[处理],完成) [2014f: 14]

wizard [ˈwɪzəd] n: ([传说中的]男巫,术士) [2014a: 218; 2014f: 14]

flicker [ˈflɪkə(r)] n: a feeling or an emotion that lasts for only a very short time. ([情感、情绪的]闪现,一闪而过) [2014f: 14]

assign [əˈsaɪn] v: (指定;指派) [2014f: 14]

protection [prəˈtekʃn] n: ~ (for/of sb/sth) (against/from sth) (保护;防卫) [2014d: 552; 2014e: 456; 2014f: 14]

Lesson 1 [page 14] 作业:

1. 背诵描写Rufus Scrimgeour相貌的句子。

2. 坚持每天掌握1到2个生词,风雨无阻,天天坚持。

《哈利波特》精读系类之编者按/精读指导(A):成人英语学习应该有更多的主动性,在高中英语的基础上,应该尽快进入英语原著和英文报纸的阅读,这样才能尽快的提升英语水平。因为英语原著和英语报纸,不同于中学的考试,其中的内容都是英语的实际应用。我会和朋友们一起分享英语原著《哈利波特》7册的内容和中国日报(China Daily)上面的英文报道。我们本着共享的理念,以“雅思6.5及之上的考生英语阅读水平”来编辑《哈利波特英语词典》,其中也会收录中学英语课本的一些单词。用《哈利波特英语词典》里面收录的单词来为《中国日报》等阅读文章做单词表。我们会认真精讲7册《哈利波特》中每一页,制出相对对应的单词表。


就我们初级英语课程而言,我们目前有两个工作目标:一是编写《哈利波特英语词典》,单词收录量为2到3万;二是编写《博雅英语阅读文库·中国日报1000篇》。我们有三级英语课程,初级英语课程为《哈利波特》7册的内容和中国日报(China Daily) 、《乔布斯传》、《马斯克传》等英语原著,以训练学生流畅地阅读英语小说、英语报刊杂志和按照英语习惯顺畅地写作为目标;中级英语课程为英语学术训练,能流畅地阅读英语学术著作,如 A New History of Western Philosophy,并能够书写规范的学术论文;高级英语课程是以了解通过英语来学习文化,学习莎士比亚等英美名家著作、英文版的《圣经》、《易经》等等,目的是更加深入地了解英语背后的文明和中华文明等,让英语学习不仅仅止于语言,要上升到文明的角度来学习英语和用英语来学习。我们认可这样的理念“语言和宗教是定义一个文明的核心标志”。我们的课程有三个立足点,一、高中毕业的英语水平;二、有学习的主动性;三、雅思最低成绩6.5。
