
President Joe Biden is "fine," after falling off his bike Saturday during a ride in a state park near his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, a White House official said.

  1. fall off 从…摔下
  2. Delaware 特拉华州

No medical attention is needed, the official added in a statement released to reporters traveling with the President.

  1. medical attention 医疗处理/护理
  2. statement 声明
  3. release [rɪˈliːs] 释放;放出;公开;开放

"As the President said, his foot got caught on the pedal while dismounting and he is fine. No medical attention is needed. The President looks forward to spending the rest of the day with his family," the official said.

  1. as 如同…
  2. be/get caught 被…勾住/困住
  3. pedal [ˈpedl] 踏板
  4. dismounting 下车
  5. look forward to doing 期待

Biden took a tumble when he was finishing a bike ride alongside first lady Jill Biden. The President deviated from the group as he biked over to a crowd that had gathered nearby. Biden came to a stop and appeared to get his foot caught on the pedal while trying to dismount.

  1. take a tumble 突然摔倒
  2. deviate [ˈdiːvieɪt] from 偏离
  3. come to a stop 停下
  4. appear to 似乎

"I got my foot caught" on the toe cage, Biden told reporters traveling with him later. "I'm good." US Secret Service agents quickly helped the President up after his fall.

  1. secret service 特勤局
  2. agent 特工
  3. help sb up 把某人扶起

The crowd clapped when the President, who turns 80 in November, got back on his feet. Biden then chatted with the crowd for several minutes, bringing one onlooker over to meet his dog Commander.

  1. clap 鼓掌
  2. get back on one's feet 重新站起来
  3. chat with 和…闲聊
  4. onlooker 路人
  5. bring over 带…过来

Asked by a child in the crowd what it was like to run the country, Biden joked, "Oh, it's like any other job." "Some parts are easy, some parts are hard," he added.

  1. in the crowd 人群中
  2. what it is like to do sth 做某事是什么感觉
  3. any other 任何其它…

The Bidens are spending the long weekend at their home in Rehoboth Beach, in part to celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary.

  1. the Bidens …一家人
  2. in part to 部分是由于