
★ break(broke, broken)


① (使)破裂;(使)破碎;(使)折断

The plate dropped and broke into pieces.盘子掉下来摔碎了。

His words deeply broke her heart.他的话使她很伤心。

The boy fell off the tree and broke his leg.那男孩从树上跌下来摔断了腿。

② vt. (使)坏掉;损坏:

My watch has broken.我的手表坏了。

③ vt违反;违背:

break a promise/ an agreement/one’s word违背诺言/违反协议/食言

④ vt&vi. 暂停;稍停

Shall we break for lunch now?我们停下来吃午饭好吗?

⑤ vt&vi.打断;中止;结束

broke their conversation.我打断了他们的谈话。

⑥ vt&vi放弃(习惯):

break the smoking habit戒掉吸烟的习惯

⑦ vt&vi(使)垮掉;(使)崩溃;

His spirit never broke throughout the hardship.历经苦难,他的精神不垮。

▲ break away(from)离开;脱离;突然挣脱

▲ break down(机器等)出故障;(身体等)垮掉;(情感等)失控:(谈判等)失败;把…分若干部分(以方便做或理解):

Each lesson is broken down into several units. 每课都分成几部分。

▲ break in


②破门而入( break into):

▲ break into 突然…起来

break into cheers/ laughter/ tears突然欢呼/哭起来

▲ break off中断;折断;断绝:

▲ break out (火灾、战争等)突然爆发

▲ break through冲破;突破:

▲ break up


② (使)(关系等)破裂:

I'im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have broken up.听到苏和保罗分手了我很惊讶。2009江苏

③ 分解;分拆:

④ 驱散;解散

★ n. ① 休息;暂停;广告时间;短暂的假期;休假

the Christmas/ summer break圣诞节假期/暑假


We don’t give the students any breaks. They have to do it just like NASA engineers,


② 天亮;拂晓:

at the break of day/ at daybreak拂晓时分
