
The Screen House / Spaces Architects@ka由专筑网小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述:项目场地面积为3000平方英尺(约279平方米),位于城市交通通畅的区域,建筑师需要为一个六口之家设计一座住宅,家庭中有两个孩子,建筑师计划通过空间策略来改善居住环境。住宅的三面都有建筑,因此其内部空间有着良好的外部视觉联系,并且应用百叶窗和屏风构成隐私感,给家庭内部带来了互动空间,满足室内的采光。Text description provided by the architects. The house is located in an urban lot of 3000 sqft in a well-connected area.The brief was to design a home for 6 members including two kids. The proposal intends to contribute to the built environment by intervening in space. The residence has buildings on three sides of the plot, so the solution was a strategically planned outward-looking interior space with required privacy created by the usage of louvers and screens this resulted in good internal connectivity and also provides interactive spaces for the family with maximum daylight into the interior spaces.






住宅分成三个区域,地面层和一层是卧室,二层是连接着露台的半私密空间,三层则是休闲露台。地面层可以用于各项活动,在这里有着客厅、厨房、餐厅,通高的区域位于住宅的核心部分,让建筑的整体空间环绕其中。建筑的楼梯应用了木材和黄铜,让人们充分探索建筑的空间特性,在露台中,人们能够很好地欣赏周围的美景。The house has been divided into three zones where the ground and first houses the private rooms, the second floor is a semi-private area with a connected terrace and the third floor consists of a terrace for recreational purposes. The ground floor is presented as a stimulating space that allows a great variety of activities. On the ground floor, the family social area is developed in an integrated space with the living room, the kitchen, the dining room and a double-height drawing room with the idea of being immersed in one total space. A set of the superimposed metal staircase with a contrasting combination of wood and brass allows us to explore and understand the spatiality of the building leading to the next floors where the bedrooms are located, ending with a terrace that reclaims the views of the neighborhood.



建筑立面由木质板条构成,这就是建筑的外部屏风,给建筑带来安全感和隐私性,同时还有美学上的光影特征。建筑有着独立的结构体系,由混凝土和木材组合而成。豪华的大理石、温馨的木材、生冷的黄铜之间构成了现代而永恒的氛围。空间墙体单色为主,艺术品和家具融入鲜艳的色彩,建筑很好地反应了使用者的生活方式。The Elevation comprises wooden pieces that make up the screening of the house that plays an important role in expressing the composition of the facade, resolving the security and privacy of the house and giving rise to the play of light and shadow creating an atmosphere of warmth. The proposal is materialized with an independent structure of exposed wooden battens with an abstract concrete block railing. Finished with a modern interior, the contrast between luxurious marble, warm timber, brass, and colors evoke a timeless and modern atmosphere.All the walls are majorly planned in monochrome and splashes of colors have been added with bright colors in artwork and furniture. The architectural style of the house is designed to reflect the owner’s character and lifestyle.













建筑设计:Spaces Architects@ka地点:印度类型:住宅面积:10500.0平方英尺(约975平方米)时间:2019年摄影:Bharat Aggarwal制造商:Delta Light, Artius India, Asian Paints, Autodesk, Decorex, GADS, Glulam Pvt, IDUS, Indus Care, Kohler India, LifeGrow Felt, Light Source International, Marble City, Siematic, Stonex India, Trimble设计团队:Pawan Sharma, Arvind Singh, Manoj Kumar Sharma, Praveen Sharma客户:Mr. Shashi Dawar机械工程:Reliable ConsultantsHvac顾问:Indus Care灯光顾问:LSI, Changi LightsHOUSESNEW DELHI, INDIAArchitects: Spaces Architects@kaArea: 10500.0 ft2Year: 2019Photographs: Bharat AggarwalManufacturers: Delta Light, Artius India, Asian Paints, Autodesk, Decorex, GADS, Glulam Pvt, IDUS, Indus Care, Kohler India, LifeGrow Felt, Light Source International, Marble City, Siematic, Stonex India, TrimbleDesign Team: Pawan Sharma, Arvind Singh, Manoj Kumar Sharma, Praveen SharmaClients: Mr. Shashi DawarEngineering: Reliable ConsultantsHvac Consultants: Indus CareLighting Consultants: LSI, Changi Lights

