我们多年的英语“学”得出了什么“问题”:“大寒”就是Greater Cold?

多数考英语四六级的学生,你问他:英语“大寒”“怎么说”?他会张口就“很溜”的回答:Greater Cold,然后再“多说一点”英语就做不到了。这说明或暴露出英语学习的什么问题?



Today is Greater Cold, also known as "Dahan," the last of the 24 solar terms on the Chinese lunar calendar. During this period, temperatures are still icy cold, but on the heels of Greater Cold, around 10 days after it, comes the Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year. How are you going to spend the Spring Festival this year?

用英语表达的冷知识有哪些 我们多年的英语(1)

多数考生只会把“学习注意力”集中在两个“碎片化”,或“破碎化”信息上的学习和记忆:Dahan=Greater Cold and Greater Cold即“大寒”。


我更感兴趣的,是学习并直接用英语“死记”后文的英语(它就是口语,就是写作,就是汉译英):Okay.I got you.Greater Cold means the last of the 24 solar terms on the Chinese lunar calendar. During this period, temperatures are still icy cold, but on the heels of Greater Cold, around 10 days after it, comes the Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year.

尤其里面比较难记住的“信息”:the 24 solar terms,still icy cold等,不仅对提高考试成绩,对提高自己英语表达能力非常重要。记住它们,你将来万一“有机会”就可以开口用这些英语跟外国人“口语”,或用它们取代解释没有“大寒”,Greater Cold概念的英美人”交流What does Greatet Cold really mean了。

不过,一般考生不可以这么做:太长,太难了,根本记不住也说不出。还是直接记“单词”Greatet Cold算了。

