



英文名称:Qianlong system white marble carved flower bowl, jade GUI












汉白玉碗:此器,圆唇直口,弧壁,圈足。石质细腻温润,琢工精细。刻板而不失生动,是不可多得的玉艺术品。底部刻着篆字,上书“乾隆年制”款。整体十分通透,有玉质光感 。 此碗如和田玉一样润滑细腻,琢工精细,造型端庄,这种材料的汉白玉,从古到今都极为少见。



这件玉圭正面有文曰 :“武陵王上圭”,圭上方有 “皇帝”二字,下面有“大秦始皇帝制”五字。背面上方有一圆圈,内有“福寿”二字,中间有一车马图案,下方有四行共二十八字铭文(见下文)。正背两面字体皆为篆书。初看似石上错银文,书体甚美,叹得佳品。



这两件乾隆年制刻花碗以及玉圭,在灯光下呈现微微透明的表现,光线由内部折射周边也出现了微透明,这是 天然汉白玉的表现,整件玉碗刻花精美,落款端正,工艺超绝,可以说是汉文版的‘’痕都斯坦玉‘’藏品土沁自然,开门到代,为古玩珍品,属于罕见的馆藏级藏品。

英文翻译:Qianlong powder white jade bowl for emperor Qianlong's mother fell ill at that time, after the treatment of the imperial medical research and development of Chinese medicine must cooperate with the use of jade to achieve the best curative effect. For this reason, Emperor Qianlong ordered artisans to rush out the jade bowl - jade disc - jade cup - jade vase and so on. Since then, it has been known as "Qianlong Filial Piety fans".

Qianlong Filial piety powder is a kind of white marble bowl during the Reign of Emperor Qianlong. The bottom of the bowl is engraved with seal characters. On the bowl is written "Qianlong system", which is later misread as "Qianlong Filial piety powder". "Qianlong filial piety powder" jade bowl, the inside and outside of the bowl has patterns, its material is very exquisite, with light, the whole is very transparent, there is jade quality light feeling in addition. "Qianlong filial piety powder" (actually "Qianlong system") is mainly jade bowl, almost no other shape. The collection shown in the above picture is now displayed on the Ming And Hu cultural relics sales platform. It is very well preserved, with dark carved flowers in low relief and extremely fine carvings. The four-character seal script of "Qianlong system" written on the bottom is very complicated, and it is rare even in the court at that time, and has great collection value.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Qianlong carved white marble bowl, jade

Qianlong System White Marble coffin Flower Bowl, Jade GUI

Specification: three pieces

Category: Jade

Appearance: Beautiful

The qianlong jade in qing Dynasty is favored by the market because of its historical root. Among all kinds of ancient jade, the quality of qianlong jade is very high. In the Qianlong Period, the Qing army used troops in the Western regions on a large scale and opened up the Silk Road again, which brought a large number of hetian jade materials from Xinjiang into the interior, promoted the rapid development of jade carving technology and craft in the interior, and the Qianlong period also became the most prosperous period in the history of ancient Jade in China.

The Chinese nation has a long history of using jade and making jade. The scale, output and variety of zhuoyu in the Qing Dynasty are unprecedented and unique in the history of ancient Chinese jade carving. Its technological level set off the last jade upsurge in ancient China, the most representative of its artistic achievements is "Qianlong jade". And our country from more than 2000 years ago discovered the white marble so noble simple elegant raw material, use this high quality raw material to carry on the sculpture artistic creation, also already had more than 2000 years of history.

White marble is a kind of precious building material, it is pure white and flawless, containing flashing crystals, crystal clear, solid and delicate texture, easy to carve, all ages are precious building raw materials, has become the first choice of carving stone palace courtyard palace for thousands of years. White marble color is milky white, elegant and pure, but rich expensive gas, with a unique charm touched the world's nerve, popular with people.

You can see the signature: Qianlong system, because the font is easily mispronounced qianlong filial piety powder, so Qianlong filial piety powder has become another popular name, standing in the professional perspective, we call it qianlong system white marble carved bowl.

White marble bowl: this device has round lips and straight mouth, curved wall and circular feet. The stone is fine and warm, and the cut is fine. Rigid and vivid, is a rare jade art. The bottom is carved with seal characters, on the "Qianlong system" money. The whole is very transparent, there is jade light sense. This bowl is as smooth as hetian jade, fine cut, dignified shape, this material of white marble, from ancient to modern are very rare.

Jade GUI, ancient jade name. The jade sacrificial vessel used by the ancient emperors and vassals for engagement, sacrifice and burial. For credit Suisse. "GUI" is the ending of a strip. Shape and size vary according to title and purpose. "Zhou Li · Spring Official Canon Rui" there are big GUI, Zhen GUI, Huan GUI, Xin GUI, Bow GUI, Gu Bi, Pu Bi, four GUI, naked GUI. Often found in the tombs of the Zhou Dynasty.

The inscription on the front reads: "King Wuling of Shanggui", with "Emperor" on the top and "System of the First Emperor of Qin shi Huang" on the bottom. Above the back is a circle with the Chinese character "Fu Shou" in it, a chariot horse in the middle, and a total of 28 characters in four lines below (see below). The characters on the back and sides are seal characters. At first it seemed that the stone was strewn with silver, and the calligraphy was very beautiful.

The above three pieces of white marble ware made by Qianlong system, which is naturally soqin, belong to the unearthed objects. This kind of ware was used as ritual ware in ancient times, not as life articles, so it is still handed down to this day and looks perfect.

These two qianlong year hand-cut bowl and jade, under the lights appear slightly transparent, light by internal refraction surrounding, there is a transparent, this is a manifestation of the natural white marble, whole jade bowl carved exquisite, inscribe, majestic, can say is han edition "mark stein ooze natural jade 'collection soil, open the door to the generation, for the antique treasures, and belongs to the rare class library collection.
