
今天要说一下月见草油, 上图是澳洲Blackmores的月见草油, 下图是SWISSE的月见草油, 2款产品基本上是一样的, 有效成分亚麻酸的含量都是10%。


月见草油被赋予了太多功能, 什么治疗湿疹、 缓解更年期综合症、经前综合症, 治疗神经痛、、、 简直成了一个神药。 我们来看一下,

1. 月见草油, 是什么?



一种只会在夜间开出的美丽的黄花,这种植物因此被命名为月见草(Evening Primrose),又名「晚樱花」。


月见草油主要是来自月见草种子,经低温压榨或丁烷混合溶剂低温萃取而来,天然的月见草油呈淡黄色,约含有90%的不饱和脂肪酸,其中含量最多的是含量约70%的亚麻油酸(Linoleic Acid,简称LA)和约7~10%的GLA。由于LA与GLA皆属极不饱和脂肪酸(含较多的双键),油质的稳定度也比较高,容易与空气作用而氧化变质,因此,市面上的月见草油多半会添加少量的维生素E,来作为稳定品质的抗氧化剂。

原来如此, 月见草油里面含有高量的γ-亚麻酸(GLA),是我们人体必需的一种不饱和脂肪酸(人体不能合成)。 可是,还有含γ-亚麻酸(GLA)更多的植物油, 那岂不是功效大的吓人了, 比如 ,转基因GLA红花油中含有40%的GLA。琉璃苣油含有20%的GLA,黑加仑油含有15-20%。月见草油范围为8%至10%的GLA、、、


2. γ-亚麻酸, 是什么




γ-亚麻酸具有抗炎性, 这是毋庸置疑的了, 但是有一个问题: 是不是大量补充这个成分, 你的身体就会大量合成抗炎成分呢? 那就未必了。 当我们身体有炎症的时候, 才会需要抗炎成分、、、所以, 适当补充, 保证身体不缺, 这才是正确的营养之道。

那么, 月见草油的这么多功效靠谱吗? 一个个说过来

3. 月见草油, 治湿疹和乳腺疼痛?


Evening primrose is sometimes used to treat eczema. The Cochrane Collaboration conducted a meta analysis of clinical trials studying the effect of orally administered evening primrose oil (EPO) on eczema and concluded that there was no effect.[22] The Mayo clinic examined evidence for the safety and effectiveness of evening primrose for several conditions; it was considered that there was good evidence (grade B, vs "strong evidence", grade A) that it produced a moderate improvement in eczema.[23]Grade C, unclear, evidence for benefit is listed for many conditions, including some reduction of blood pressure. Research has shown a lack of significant beneficial effects on heart function and health. Many conditions for which evening primrose is a traditional remedy or there is a theory suggesting efficacy are listed by the Mayo clinic, without comment.[23]

There are conflicting opinions and evidence for the medicinal effects of GLA. The active constituent of EPO, which has been promoted to treat ailments including breast pain and eczema; such marketing was described by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) as ethically dubious—the substance was likely to be remembered as "a remedy for which there is no disease".[24] Another single source suggests that Evening Primrose Oil with adjuvant vitamin E, may reduce breast pain.[25] The BMJ said in 2003 that it was of no use in atopic dermatitis.[26] The American Cancer Society said in 2010 that there was very little evidence for its effectiveness as an anti-cancer agent, for which it is sometimes promoted, and "neither GLA nor other GLA-rich supplements (such as evening primrose oil) have been convincingly shown to be useful in preventing or treating any other health conditions."[27]

Ps: 以上引用自 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oenothera_biennis

的确, 曾经在英国, 月见草油被当做了湿疹的治疗药物, 但是,


湿疹产生的原因特别复杂, 我们可以假设, 如果身体缺乏γ-亚麻酸, 也许有可能发生湿疹或其他皮肤疾病, 那么这时候补充含有γ-亚麻酸的月见草油, 也许就有治疗的效果。

可惜, 产生湿疹的原因太多太多了, 补充月见草油显然不是一个对症的方法, 只能说配合其他药物, 看看是否能增加一些效果。

4. 月见草油,缓解更年期综合症? 缓解经前综合症?


Hot flashes experienced by women going through the menopause have a number of non-hormonal treatment options but evening primrose oil does not offer evidence of effect1 - the one clinical trial before 2006 found no difference compared with placebo.9,10

A more recent trial published in 2013 included only 56 menopausal women for six weeks of treatment with either evening primrose oil or placebo. The active treatment improved severity of hot flashes in this relatively small study.11

There is no current evidence to support a role for evening primrose oil in easing premenstrual syndrome (PMS)1 - a systematic review of four small, low-powered trials found that doses of EPO ranging from 3 to 6 g daily were not effective in improving overall symptoms of PMS.9

Some women have reported PMS symptoms being eased by evening primrose oil though - breast tenderness, feelings of depression, irritability and swelling and bloating from fluid retention.3

Ps: 以上引用自 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oenothera_biennis

同样, 目前没有任何证据支持, 月见草油能缓解经前期综合征和更年期综合症。

为什么月见草油发挥不了效果……更年期综合症为什么会产生? 是因为雌激素分泌大幅减少, 而引起身体各处一连串的反应, 月见草只是含有一些身体必须的脂肪酸而已, 不是激素补充剂, 不是止痛药, 怎么可能会起到效果?

再说经前综合症, 同样是体内激素波动的影响, 月见草油只是提供了身体需要的养分而已, 怎么可能对付得了经前综合症? 如果月见草油有这个疗效的话, 那么γ-亚麻酸含量更高的琉璃苣油和黑加仑油岂不是成了仙药?

5. 月见草油,能治神经痛?


Nerve pain (neuropathy) associated with diabetes has been treated with evening primrose oil, when conventional treatments such as antidepressants have not worked or have been unsuitable.2

Although some sources say there is insufficient evidence,9 beneficial results have been shown in clinical trials, and taking evening primrose oil for 6 to 12 months may improve the symptoms of nerve damage caused by diabetes.1

Ps: 以上引用自 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oenothera_biennis

还是同样的结论, 并没有充分证据,显示月见草油能治神经痛。

6. 总结

比起其他的植物油, 月见草油里面含有相对更多的亚麻酸以及γ-亚麻酸, 是一种很好的人体必需脂肪酸的补充来源。 但是, 若是因为含有这些必需脂肪酸, 就说它具有了很多神奇的药物功能, 那是不现实的和夸大的。 作为一种很好的营养成分来源, 月见草油可以偶尔不定期的补充一下,不需要每天高含量的摄入, 毕竟,我们平常其他食物中多少也会摄入一些。
