NO.1 意义主动语态:可以理解为个人有意识、主动去做的,下面我们就来聊聊关于初学英语被动语态讲解?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



NO.1 意义



NO.2 句型

主动语态:主语 动词原形(根据时态变化)

被动语态:主语 Be done (过去分词)

主动变被动的时候普遍要加by(或省略) ," by "的意思是“被.....”,后面加宾语


被动语态:is / am / are done

主动语态:主语 动词原形

eg: I eat a slice of cake. (我吃了一块蛋糕)= A slice of cake is eaten by me.


被动语态:was / were done

主动语态:主语 动词过去式

eg:She bought a book.(他买了一本书)= A book was bought by her.


被动语态:will be done

主动语态:主语 will do

eg: The concert will be performed in the pop music and classical music.


现在完成时被动:have been done

过去完成时被动:had been done

eg: I have published my book. (我已经出版了我的书本)= My book have been published (by me.)

The police had pursued the thief. (警察已追捕小偷)= The thief had been pursued by police.

NO.3 区别以及注意事项


1. 不及物动词 无被动语 态。

The dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago.

2. 有些动词用主动形式表示被动意义。

This pen writes well. This new book sells well.

3. 感官动词或使役动词使用省略to的动词不定式,主动语态中不带to,但变为被动语态时,须加上to。

make somebody do something→ somebody be made to do something

see somebody do something→somebody be seen to do something

eg: The boss made the little boy do heavy work.(老板让小男孩去做重活)→The little boy was made to do heavy work by the boss.

4. 如果是接双宾语的动词改为被动语态时,直接宾语(物)作主语,那么动词后要用介词,这个介词是由与其搭配的动词决定。

He gave me a book.→A book was given to me by him.

He showed me a ticket.→A ticket was shown to me by him.

5. 一些动词短语用于被动语态时,动词短语应当看作一个整体,而不能丢掉其中的介词或副词。

We can’t laugh at him. →He can’t be laughed at by us.

eg: 例题1:Could you tell me whom the radio__________by? -Sorry, I have no idea.

A invents B invented C is invented D was invented

解析:题干的意思是“你能告诉我收音机是谁发明的吗?”,发明收音机是过去的事,所以用过去时,排除 A和C;而radio和invent 构成被动关系,应用被动语态,排除B 答案:D

例题2:The young man was often seen _____ by the lake. A to draw B to drawing C draw D drew

解析:“看到某人做某事”为see sth.。句中动词原形是省略to的不定式,在被动语态中要还原to。 答案:A

