A lion and a bear pounced upon a fawn at the same time and had a long ,grueling fight over it.The struggle was so hard and even that both them eventually lay half-blinded and half-dead on the ground without enough strength to touch the prize that was stretched out between them.A fox,who had gone round them at a distance several times,saw how helpless they were,and he stepped in between the combatants and scampered off with the booty.

"What miserable creature we are!"the lion and the bear cried."We've knocked ourselves out and destroyed one another merely to give a rogue a dinner."

Sometimes one man's toil is another man's profit.

  • at the same time同时; 然而;不过
  • fight over争夺;争吵
  • on the ground当场
  • at a distance在远处; 在远处;相距遥远;久远地
  • several times屡次; 好几次
  • in between介于……之间;在中间
  • one another互相
  • 一只狮子和一只熊同时扑到一只小鹿身上,为它进行了一场漫长而艰苦的搏斗。搏斗是如此的艰难,以至于它们最终都半瞎半死地躺在地上,没有足够的力量去触碰它们之间躺着的小鹿尸体。一只狐狸在远处绕了几圈,他看到狮子和熊是多么无助,就介入他们之间的争夺,带着他们的战利品逃走了。






