
Part 1/2素材库:robot/housework

Well, I’d like to have an I-robot roomba, I think, because it must be a big helper. You know after a hard day, no one is in the mood to do some housework, like sweeping the floor, but a robot like this, could free me totally. So if I save enough money, I'll buy one.


I-robot roomba n. 扫地机器人

A big helper n. 好帮手

After a hard day 劳累一天过后

Be in the mood to do sth... 有心情做...

Free v. 解放

Um, I always do some laundry because it's so easy, like a piece of cake: just put all the smelly clothes in a washing machine, add some washing powder, and press the button, dingdong, and well done.


Do some laundry 洗衣服

A piece of cake 很简单,小菜一碟

Smelly adj 臭的,难闻的

Well done 搞定


