



A woman is inoculated with a cervical cancer vaccine in Jing'an county in Yichun, Jiangxi province on April 10, 2021. [Photo/VCG]

China's top drug regulator has expanded the use of an imported vaccine against nine strains of the cancer-causing human papillomavirus to girls as young as nine and adults up to age 45.


The National Medical Products Administration first granted authorization to Gardasil 9, a 9-valent HPV vaccine created by global pharmaceutical giant Merck, for use in females aged 16 to 26 in 2018. On Tuesday, the administration said that its use is now broadened to females aged 9 through 45.


In China, nearly 110,000 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer last year, and 59,000 had died of the disease, said Zhao Fanghui, a professor at the National Cancer Center and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences' Cancer Hospital, citing data from the Global Cancer Observatory, a cancer data platform associated with the World Health Organization.


Eliminating the disease would require consolidated efforts in boosting the vaccination rate, especially among those aged under 15, as well as promoting early screening and treatment. Due to limited supplies and low awareness, China is now lagging far behind some leading countries in terms of immunization coverage, according to Zhao.


However, the rising number of highly effective domestic vaccines available on the market is expected to ramp up the efforts.


A new study published in the journal The Lancet Infectious Disease on Friday shows that Cecolin, the first domestic vaccine that protects against two HPV strains, is 100 percent effective in protecting against genital lesions-a precancerous condition-and 97.3 percent effective against persistent infection.



