
  1. All ears.

字面意思,两只耳朵都在,其实这个短语是说自己在全神贯注地听,即便手上在忙一些别的事情。其实意思就是I can't concentrate right now because I'm busy, but in a second, I'll be fully listening.

惯用句式,I'll be all ears.

2. Break a leg.

祝你好运! 通常用于祝福演员或者音乐家等即将上台表演的人。

例,I forgot you're on stage tonight, break a leg.(我忘了你今晚要上台表演了,祝你好运!)

3. by the skin of one's teeth.


例,I passed my driving test by the skin of my teeth.(我差点驾照没考过。)

4. Have cold feet.


An example, I hope he doesn't get cold feet before the wedding.(我希望他婚礼前不要畏畏缩缩。)

5. Cost an arm and a leg.


例, I bet that coat cost her an arm and a leg.(我赌她那件外套特别贵。)

6. Cry your eyes/heart out


例,she cried her eyes out when she lost her cat.(猫丢了后她伤心欲绝。)

7. Get something off your chest.


例,I need to get it off my chest and tell my boss that I am unhappy.(我不想独自承受了,我要告诉老板我不开心。)

8. Lend a hand.


例,if you need any help with moving, I can lend a hand.(搬家有任何需要帮忙的地方,随时喊我。)

9. Have one's head in the clouds.


例,He has his head in the clouds, if he thinks he's getting a pay rise in this economy.(这种经济环境,他要是觉得自己能加薪,真是异想天开。)

10. Head over heels.


例, she is head over heels with her new puppy.

11. In over one's head.


例, I am completely in over my head in my new teaching position. (我实在是搞不定新的教学工作。)

12. Keep an eye on.


例, can you keep an eye on my bike whilst I nip into the post office?(我去邮局的时候,你能帮我看一下车吗?)

nip somewhere 表示短暂去一下某处,去去就回。

13. Keep one's chin up.


例,keep your chin up, exam season will be over soon.(打起精神,考试季很快就过去了!)

14. Learn or to know off by heart.

背诵、熟记于心,中文里经常会说的死记硬背填鸭式教育,叫cramming education

例,I know the Harry Potter books off by heart, all seven of them. (七部《哈利波特》我都烂熟于心。)

15. Let one's hair down.


例, She needs to let her hair down. She is always so stressed.(她总是这么紧绷,得放松放松。)

16. My lips are sealed.


例, my lips are sealed, I have no idea how much your dress cost.(放心,我嘴很严的,我不会告诉别人你裙子多少钱。)

17. Make my blood boil.


例, the way that they have underpaid you and mistreated you over all these years makes my blood boil.(这么多年他们一直在压榨你、虐待你,我真的非常愤怒。)

18. Over my dead body.


例, Over my dead body, I will never let you drive my car. (只要我活着,你就别想开我的车。)

19. A pat on the back.


例, I think I deserve a pat on the back after all of my hard work today.(今天工作这么努力,我值得一朵小红花~/加个鸡腿!)

20. Play something by ear.


例, I don't know if the weather will be dry enough for a picnic. Let's play it by ear.(我不确定这个天气怎么样,够不够干,能不能野餐,我们就随机应变吧。)

21. Pull one's leg.


例 , Are you pulling my leg? Are you really moving away? (你认真的?你没逗我吧?你真的要搬走?)

22. Rule of thumb


例, as a rule of thumb, a cup of coffee generally contains 80 milligrammes of caffeine.(通常来说,一杯咖啡含有80毫克的咖啡因。)

23. See eye to eye.

表示同意某事。如果表示不同意,可以说don’t see eye to eye。

This means to agree on something.

例, her parents didn't see eye to eye on her education.(她父母不同意她的教育。)

24. A sweet tooth.


例,My grandma once requested a birthday meal consisting of just puddings. She has such a sweet tooth.

25. Wash one's hands of something.


例 I'm going to wash my hands of him. He causes too many problems.(我不管他了,他总是惹麻烦。)




