
This is the nurse who attended to me when I was ill in hospital.这位就是在我生病住院时照顾我的护士。


1. attend to后接某事,意为“处理,料理”;后接某人,尤其是受伤的人,则指“照顾,护理”,近义词有take care of,care for,look after等。

If you attend to something, you deal with it. If you attend to someone who is hurt or injured, you care for them.

2. 表示“照料”时,attend to侧重表示护理受伤的人;look after属于行为比较具体的、生活上的照顾;take care of含有一种责任、义务的意味,也可用于嘱咐别人照顾好自己或自己的东西;care for则更多的表示关心。

3. 我们可以看到句中说生病住院时,使用的是ill而不是sick。这两个词非常相像,但ill一般用于动词词组中,如fall ill;sick常用于名词之前,比如sick children。ill表示一种状态;而sick主要表示生病时的身体感受,如恶心、呕吐。

ill一般比sick更为礼貌和委婉。如果你想问别人是不是身体不舒服,可以说“Do you feel ill?”或者“How are you feeling?”。如果你问的是“Are you sick?”,则可能被误解为“你疯了么?”不过,如果对方已经明显有身体不舒服的症状,你可以问他“Are you feeling sick?”

Throw some water on her face and she'll come round.往她脸上泼些水她就会醒过来。


1. throw water on someone表示“泼水”,吵架时往人脸上泼水、用水把晕过去的人浇醒等情景都可以这样来表述。需要注意的是,如果是throw/pour cold water on someone,可以指字面意义上的“泼冷水”,但更常指“打击别人的热情”。

2. come round表示“苏醒,清醒”,英式英语中亦写作come around。近义词有revive,regain consciousness,come to等。

When someone who is unconscious comes around or comes round, they recover consciousness.

3. 除此以外,come around/round还可指“拜访,探访”,如:come around to someone's house(登门拜访);也指“改变观点,改变看法(以接受)”,如:come around to our way of thinking(同意我们的思路);或者“(按照预期)发生,再度出现”,如:winter comes around(冬天又来了)。

The man made for the exit as quickly as possible.这个人以最快的速度朝出口处冲去。


1. make for表示“向……走去,朝……前进”。

If you make for a place, you move towards it.

当主语为物时,make for表示“导致,有利于”,如:

A happy parent makes for a happy child.有快乐的父母,才会有快乐的孩子。

2. as adv./adj. possible表示“尽可能的”,as quickly as possible即“尽快”。这里的possible也可以替换为“someone can”,如“Run as fast as you can.”,尽可能地跑快点。

If you do something as soon as possible, you do it as soon as you can. If you get as much as possible of something, you get as much of it as you can.

Many women still feel that they are being held back by a male culture.许多女性仍然认为自己被男性文化所阻碍。


1. hold back的释义较多,我们不妨从动词的核心释义入手,通过联想帮助记忆。hold可表示“握住,使……不动”,如果你想做某事却被held back,即被“阻挡、阻止”,hold something back即令某事无法发生。

To hold someone or something back means to prevent someone from doing something, or to prevent something from happening.

2. 如果你是出于主观意愿而hold back,说明一些原因让你感到“犹豫”、想要“退缩”;如果你有事情不想说,你可以hold it back,即“隐瞒”;而如果你有东西不想用,也可以hold it back,即“储存,保留”;感到沮丧或高兴却不想表现出来,此时hold back即指“抑制,忍住”。举几个例子:

2.1 The administration had several reasons for holding back.政府因为几个原因而犹豫不决。

2.2 You seem to be holding something back.你好像隐瞒了点什么。

2.3 Farmers apparently hold back produce in the hope that prices will rise.农民囤积农产品显然是希望价格能够上涨。

Will all those in favor of the proposal raise their hands?所有赞同这个提议的人可以举一下手吗?


1. in favor of表示“支持,赞成”,我们还常用到approve of,agree with等。在英式英语中,favor亦可写作favour。

If you are in favour of something, you support it and think that it is a good thing.

2. 如果A is rejected in favour of B,则指“选B而不选A;放弃A,而宁愿选择B”。如:

The policy was rejected in favour of a more cautious approach.这项政策未被采纳,取而代之的是一项较为谨慎的策略。

3. in favour of someone / in someone’s favour还可表示“有助于,有利于”,如:in favour of the countryside(对农村有利)。此外,in someone’s favour还可表示“认为……正确”。
