
[Moore] Robert Covington on holding teammates (Towns) accountable: “You can’t sugar coat things. That’s one thing we had back in Philly and the same thing I’m bringing here. Tell guys if they fuckin’ up that they fuckin’ up.”




It “took time” in Philadelphia Covington said of the Sixers defense when I asked him how long it will take for he and Saric’s defensive influence to sink in.



“It wasn’t just last year, it was the year before — before [Joel Embiid] got hurt. We was one of the best teams defensively. And it just came from [Embiid and me] being the head of the snake and other guys built off of that. It was very contagious.”


Covington, who clearly has a budding bromance with Towns, says that it is now Towns’ job to be the head of the snake with him. He says he needs Towns to “be the guy communicating with him.” And he believes that will happen with time because he is going to hold his friend and teammate accountable.

科温顿显然已与唐斯建立起了深厚的兄弟情。他表示,现在唐斯需要和他一起成为那个蛇头。他说唐斯需要成为那个“跟他沟通问题”的人。而且他也相信这一定会慢慢实现,因为他会问责自己的这位朋友 队友。

“You have to tell ’em,” Covington said in the locker room after the Wolves Saturday night win. “You can’t sugar coat things. That’s one thing we had back in Philly and the same thing I’m bringing here. Tell guys if they fuckin’ up that they fuckin’ up.”


The language is harsh but the sentiment is true if this team wants to win. If Towns — and the rest of the Wolves roster — doesn’t meet those Philly standards, the glass ceiling on this team cements itself.



[–]NBAurfaselol[S] 1346 指標 10小時前

Wiggins in shambles


[–]NBADueStrawberry3 539 指標 10小時前

dropped the controller out of his hands


[–][NOP] Anthony DavisLieutenantKumar 200 指標 9小時前

KAT extremely upset in the tunnel, slams the wall heading into the locker room. Someone with the Wolves yells “KAT come on, quit being a fucking pussy!” [It] was Robert Covington.

唐斯在球员通道里非常沮丧,走回更衣室的途中砸了下墙。森林狼的某个球员大喊“阿唐差不多行了,别特么娘们唧唧的!”这个人正是罗伯特-科温顿 [译注1]

[译注1] The Athletic记者Kelly Iko(火箭跟队写手)曾于今年2月23日发表过这样一个推文:【唐斯在球员通道里非常沮丧,走回更衣室的途中砸了下墙。森林狼的某个球员大喊“阿唐差不多行了,别特么娘们唧唧的!”】而在9月20日,Kelly Iko转推并评论了自己的原推特,揭露这个球员正是吉米-巴特勒。

[–][PHI] JaKarr SampsonSecondstrike23 1008 指標 9小時前

Still the most recent 76er to have a featured appearance in my dreams


[–]76ersvesthis0 358 指標 8小時前

please update us as to changes in this.


[–]76ersusereddit[] 124 指標 8小時前

I'd like a weekly status report on all dream activity.

( I won't end up reading it and you'll need to explain each status again in our next meeting anyway - Please still send)



[–]RaptorsCapnJSmithy 94 指標 7小時前

I once had a dream that i was somehow drafted to the raptors, and although i kept telling Lowry and Powell that i was terrible at basketball and i was only in the draft by accident, they kept assuring me that itd probably be fine


[–][IND] Jermaine O'Nealtj3_23 85 指標 7小時前

"You don't get it. I really can't play basketball."

"Bro. It's going to be fine. Just do what we do"



[–]julius-erving 116 指標 7小時前

This dude is a inspiration. From d league to first team all defense. Miss you cov


[–][PHI] Richaun HolmesPHLLouWillVille0330 871 指標 10小時前

Hard not to like cov. Wasn’t handed anything and worked his way up and really works to up his game. Will miss him but the wolves are lucky to have him


[–]76ersHelreaver 3902 指標 10小時前

Sounds an awful lot like Butler's mentality, lol.

Miss you, Roco.



[–][LAL] Magic Johnsonyoungtrece13 886 指標 9小時前

Jimmy’s a little over the top since he’s a star now and actually has that kind of pull in the league, but his mentality is way more common in the league than ppl think. He WAS a role player and im sure there are a host of current role players (like RoCo) that have that same gritty attitude and want their teammates to work also. Theyre just role players and dont have the same juice around the league so we dont hear about it.


Its not being an asshole its just having balls and being a grown man to speak your mind if youre dissatisfied. Im sure PJ Tucker has lit into his teammates for the better quite a few times over his career.


You see it with Draymond a little too, because he’s a star the media catches more and he feels a little more reckless with his mouth to create worse situations than normal role players (they would get shipped off for causing that kind of drama). Marcus Smart already had a talk like that with the Celtics apparently.


Also notice in the media cycle, a lot of players were in agreeance with Jimmy or kinda let him handle it his way without being outraged like some fans. I think too many couch potatoes and guys that never really played competitive basketball on here were just whining uncontrollably without understanding that this is a valid attitude to have in a competitive environment.


You must have a sense of urgency and be brash/quick to fix others’ mistakes, its more on the teammate to not be a little bitch and just receive the criticism (if its coming from a good place).


[–]WizardsNoNoir 450 指標 9小時前

just receive the criticism (if its coming from a good place)

"Hey Roy, you need to start getting some rebounds so your fiancé will start thinking you're a real man and stop having sex with me instead"

~ Paul George, probably





[–]Cavaliersjruttig 285 指標 8小時前

“Ayy P, they said I gotta take criticism”



[–]Raptorsmommathecat 102 指標 9小時前

Im sure PJ Tucker has lit into his teammates for the better quite a few times over his career.

PJ 100% lit up the Raptors for their lack of defensive intensity when he was traded here - I'm looking at you, DeMar.




Even though he’s come to the team late he felt perfectly comfortable calling out his teammates – DeRozan included — after their no-show against the Oklahoma City Thunder last Thursday. And status as a well-respected, hard-nosed veteran means he can hold t

he room.


[–]WestFickleCheesecake1 85 指標 7小時前

In the locker room.

Not in the media. You're supposed to present a collected front to the media. Butler did not do that, he made it about himself.


Also note in the media cycle, plenty of (winners, people who won a hell of a lot more than PG and Butler) sided with KAT. Also in general pretty much everyone considered the Twolves a joke for how they handled things, and Thibs will probably still get fired.


Draymond also got suspended recently for going off on KD and has been out for awhile. So clearly GSW, a 3 time championship team, was not going to tolerate it. Kerr and GSW cited they were worried about team chemistry issues. For all we know, they might even try to trade Dray away. They weren't going to pay him anyway.


[–]Timberwolvesplap11 127 指標 9小時前

The mentality is good, and we loved that from Butler. What we didn't love is the whole throwing a tantrum, sabotaging the franchise, and throwing the games he actually decided to play in part.


[–]Andy_Wiggins 124 指標 7小時前

I don’t think Towns really had a problem with the message from Butler, it was how it was delivered. While RoCo is sharing a similar sentiment to Butler, it seems to be much better received.


[–]Beige_Rage 110 指標 6小時前

Yes-it's the difference between criticism and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.


[–]erasef1 224 指標 10小時前

Jimmy butler 2.0.




[–]76erscharliedarwinsfather 189 指標 10小時前

God damned right, RoCo.


[–]KnicksHokageEzio 135 指標 10小時前

"Robert Covington has been traded to the Guangdong Tigers, sources say."


[–]Thheee 131 指標 8小時前

that’s literally how Philly is though, it’s straight yes or no without beating around the bush or that southern twist on everything.. it’s not even like aggressive or anything, it’s just real

I love that city, i’d love to live there one day



[–][PHI] Tony Wrotenbjamil1 95 指標 6小時前

Hey remember when Philly was building a toxic losing culture by doing all that tanking?


[–]KnicksMudkip4567 587 指標 9小時前

Since when did Dario Saric have a "defensive influence" lmao


[–][PHI] Lou WilliamsMarcheesio 733 指標 9小時前

He has a defensive influence for sure, it's just not a positive one.


[–]PacersHis_Dudeness_94 124 指標 8小時前

Isn't his effort pretty good though?


[–]76ersFoFoAndFo 245 指標 8小時前

He works his ass off, he's just slow. To your point I don't think anybody looks at Dario and thinks he needs to work harder, be more active, communicate more or just put his face in there and take a hit, he's just athletically limited.


[–]76ersicecoaster1319 108 指標 8小時前

Yeah he tries hard and rotates well. Just gets toasted off the dribble.

