英语学习的历程, 长路漫漫, 路途艰辛, 如人饮水, 冷暖自知.
而 词汇量 的日积月累, 可以说, 占据了 80% 以上的精力.
单词, 记多了, 长时间不温习, 不单是遗忘,
很多时候, 它们彼此, 会在你的脑袋中 "打架",
像是 形近词的 "张冠李戴", 众多近义词的 "傻傻分不清楚",
这些明摆着的问题, 犹如拦路虎一样,
英语学习者, 不好好花些精力, 去分辨和加深记忆, 是绝对不行的!
在此, 开辟一系列 "单词辨析" 文章, 帮助大家各个击破!
此为第三篇, 讲述的是 英语中 "惊吓, 惊恐"", "取悦", "恭维, 奉迎", "欺骗" 的 多种表达,
一时记不住所有单词, 也没什么关系, 一次记一点, 慢慢来!
英语的学习之路, 肯定不容易, 更别提, 进阶到精通了.
像这样去整理学习单词, 算是一种比较高效的方法了.
惊吓, 惊恐 - 动词
这里有 17个 有关 "惊吓, 惊恐" 的动词词汇,
- "一般的吃惊, 惊吓" - surprise, shock
- "使惊恐, 恐惧" - scare, frighten, terrify, horrify,
- "使惊吓, 震惊" - spook, rock, startle, stun, astound, astonish, amaze
- "使惊恐, 恐慌" - panic, alarm
- "使惊讶, 惊呆" - stupefy
- "最不常见的惊奇" - floor
- surprise 使惊奇, 使诧异, 使感到意外 - It wouldn't surprise me if they got married soon.
- shock 使震惊, 使惊愕 - We were all shocked at the news of his death.
- scare 惊吓, 使害怕, 使恐惧 - It scares me to think I was alone in the building.
- frighten 使惊吓, 使惊恐 - She's not easily frightened.
- terrify 使恐惧, 使十分害怕, 使惊吓 - Flying terrifies her.
- horrify 惊吓, 恐吓, 使厌恶 - The whole country was horrified by the killings.
- spook 吓, 惊吓, 受惊 - The horse spooked at the siren.
- rock 使震惊 - The scandal rocks the world.
- startle 使惊吓, 使吓一跳, 使大吃一惊 - I didn't mean to startle you.
- stun 使震惊 (或惊愕, 目瞪口呆)
- astound 使震惊, 使大惊 - His arrogance astounded her.
- astonish 使十分惊讶, 使大为惊奇, 使吃惊 - The news astonished everyone.
- amaze 使惊奇, 使惊愕, 使惊诧 - It never ceases to amaze me that what some people will do for money.
- panic (使)惊慌, 惊慌失措 - I panicked when I saw smoke coming out of the engine.
- alarm 使惊恐, 使害怕, 使担心 - The captain didn't want to alarm the passengers.
- stupefy 使惊讶 (或惊呆, 思维不清, 神志不清) - She was stupefied with cold.
- floor 使惊奇, 使困惑
取悦 - 动词
这里有 6个 有关 "取悦" 的动词词汇,
- "使满意, 使愉快" - please, gratify, delight, gladden
- "使满意, 使满足" - satisfy, content
- please 使满意, 使愉快 - You can't please everybody.
- gratify 使高兴, 使满意 - I was gratified by their invitation.
- delight 使高兴,使愉快, 使快乐 - This news will delight his fans all over the world.
- gladden (旧) 使高兴, 使愉快, 使喜悦 - The sight of flowers gladdened her heart.
- satisfy 使满意, 使满足 - Nothing satisfies him.
- content (正式) 使满意, 使满足 - My apology seemed to content him.
恭维, 奉迎 - 动词
这里有 9个 有关 "恭维, 奉迎" 的动词词汇,
- "恭维" - compliment
- "奉迎" - flatter, bootlick, soft-soap, apple-polish, butter up, curry favor with sb, toady to sb, ingratiate oneself with sb
- compliment 恭维, 赞美, 称赞 - She complimented him on his excellent German.
- flatter 奉承, 讨好, 向...谄媚 - Are you trying to flatter me?
- bootlick 巴结, 奉迎
- soft-soap (为让某人做某事) 说好听的, 奉承, 官迷馄饨, 劝诱
- apple-polish 奉迎
- butter up 以甜言蜜语巴结某人, 奉承, 拍马屁
- curry favor with sb 讨好, 奉承, 拍马屁
- toady to sb 拍马, 奉承, 谄媚
- ingratiate oneself with sb 讨好, 巴结, 迎合
欺骗 - 动词
现如今, 信息高度发达, 骗子们大行其道, 傻子们也多的不行, 被收 "智商税" 的人, 大有人在!
这里有 24个 有关 "欺骗" 的动词词汇,
- "常见的欺骗" - cheat, fool, trick, deceive
- "误导的欺骗" - misguide, mislead, misinform
- "不常见的欺骗" - con, bamboozle, beguile, delude, dupe, hoax, hoodwink
- "怎么也想不到的欺骗" - snooker, snow, have
- "特殊的欺骗" - fake, bluff, spoof
- "欺骗的短语" - have sb on, take sb in, string sb along, sucker sb into sth/doing sth
- cheat 欺骗, 蒙骗 - He cheated his way into the job.
- fool 欺骗, 愚弄 - You are fooling yourself.
- trick 欺骗, 欺诈 - I'd been tricked and I felt stupid.
- deceive 欺骗, 蒙骗, 诓骗 - Her husband had been deceiving her for years.
- misguide 误导, 引入歧途
- mislead 误导, 引入歧途, 使误信 - He deliberately misled us about the nature of their relationship.
- misinform 误报, 误传 - They were deliberately misinformed about their rights.
- con (非正式) (尤指为钱财或使人为自己做事而) 欺骗, 哄骗 - I was conned into buying a useless car.
- bamboozle (非正式) 迷惑, (尤指) 哄骗, 欺骗
- beguile 哄骗 (某人做某事), 诱骗 She beguiled them into believe her version of events.
- delude 欺骗, 哄骗 - You poor deluded creature.
- dupe 诈骗, 哄骗, 欺骗 - They soon realized they had been duped.
- hoax 作弄, 欺骗
- hoodwink 欺诈, 欺骗 (某人) - She had been hoodwinked into buying a worthless necklace.
- snooker (NAmE, 非正式) 欺骗, 使上当
- snow (NAmE, 非正式) (用花言巧语) 蒙, 唬 - He really snowed me with all his talk of buying a porsche.
- have 欺骗 - I'm afraid you've been had.
- fake 伪造, 冒充 - She faked her mother's signature on the document.
- bluff 虚张声势, 唬人, 吹牛 - I think he is just bluffing.
- spoof 电邮欺骗 - Someone has been spoofing my adress.
- have sb on 欺骗 - You are not having me on, are you?
- *take sb in (常被动) 欺骗, 蒙骗 - Don't be taken in by his charm - he is ruthless.
- string sb along (非正式) 哄, 愚弄 - She is just stringing you alone.
- sucker sb into sth/doing sth (尤指利用他人无知) 欺骗, 使上当 - I was suckered into helping.
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