句型一:It’s (a bit../not..enough) 下面是可以用到的名词,下面我们就来聊聊关于用英语怎么介绍穿着?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



Talking about what people wear

句型一:It’s (a bit../not..enough) 下面是可以用到的名词

sporty 运动风

eg: It’s a bit sporty. 衣服有点运动风

(too) loose/baggy 松弛

(too) tight (太)紧了

stretchy 有弹性

eg: It’s not stretchy enough. 这衣服不够有弹性

flashy 耀眼,闪人

eg:It looks flashy on you. 你的衣服很亮眼哦

plain 普通,中规中矩

句型二: It’s too tight/loose...

at the back

at the front

on the sides

eg: This shirt is too tight at the back. 这衣服后面太紧了

句型三: 对别人的穿着这样评价

common comments

It suits you. (×doesn't suit) 适合你(不适合你)

It (really) brings out your eyes. 某种配饰很配你的眼睛

It looks good on you.(×doesn't look) 你看起来很好看的样子。(或不好看)

It doesn’t fit.(anymore) 不再合适了

Your clothes/socks don’t match. 你的衣服/袜子不搭

Nice outfit! 穿的很棒!(outfit指整体穿着)

It (really) complements your_____. 这个很适合你的_________