Daily article 72: Understand Normal distribution by common sense

Unlike discrete random variables, continuous random variables have infinite outcomes, so the probability of any specific outcome is 0. Therefore, we don’t care about the probability of a specific outcome for continuous random variables. Rather, we are curious about the probability that the outcome falls within a specific interval, which contains infinite outcomes as well. A frequency distribution demonstrates how the outcomes are distributed.

Normal distribution is also called Gaussian distribution to commemorate the contribution made by the great mathematician, Gaussian. Remember the famous Gaussian Algorithm from middle school? That’s him. Normal distribution is very important in statistics because many statistical results follow the normal distribution. Normal distribution is a symmetric distribution that can be described solely by two parameters: mean μ and standard deviation σ (middle school math again). Mean determines the normal distribution’s middle line and standard deviation determines the level of dispersion. Let’s take a look at the graph below:


The normal distribution is a bell-shape distribution, which means the probabilities of intervals near to mean are greater than that of intervals far away from mean. The result coordinates with our common sense. For example, there are more people of average height and few people are extremely tall or short. We can find random variables of normal distribution in many areas in our daily life,among which the equity return is the most common one in financial world. It’s also pretty straightforward: we have higher chances to get a return around expected return, and lower chances to get extremely large gains or losses.

每日文章(七十二) 用常识来理解正态分布



