美国3岁华裔女童谢心遥(Brigitte Xie)身高没有钢琴高,学钢琴才6个月就在国际音乐比赛夺冠,也为她赢得年底登上纽约卡内基音乐厅(Carnegie Hall)演奏的机会,她将是这个世界著名舞台上最年轻的表演者。


Brigitte Xie is three years old. She is from the USA. She can already play the piano very well. She is a piano star.

Brigitte took part in online piano lessons last year. It is because of the coronavirus (冠状病毒). Children stay at home. Her father finds the lessons for her. He does not think that Brigitte is talented.

Brigitte loves playing the piano. She can read the music. Brigitte has a family teacher. The teacher says that Brigitte is special. The teacher shows her many things and she watches all of them. Brigitte can play music by the famous composer (作曲家) Beethoven.


1 . Where does Brigitte Xie come from?

A Japan.

B China.

C America.

D The UK.



***Wish you good luck!***


