拇指英语说, 分享英语学习心得,技巧和方法让英语学习变得更有趣更简单,下面我们就来聊聊关于报刊时文素材积累-There?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



拇指英语说, 分享英语学习心得,技巧和方法。让英语学习变得更有趣更简单




[难度系数】 **

【Sharing seconds】分享时刻



I haven’t been watching the news too much lately. The daily reports of death, disease, and war have been starting to wear me down. Every time I turn on the television, it seems like the whole world is ready to end. But today, I got a reminder that the world is still okay. I was taking my son to a second-hand store so he could see if he could find some used CDs to add to his music collection. I parked the car and we both put on our masks. I’ve gotten so used to this that it feels like second nature now.After we went inside, I walked over to the book section to see if I could find something for myself. I looked around and was both surprised and delighted to see a very elderly lady pushing a baby stroller (婴儿手推车). She told me that the baby was her great-granddaughter. I looked down at the little girl in her tiny pink dress. She was sleeping peacefully. I looked down at her innocent (天真的) face.Suddenly, she opened her eyes and looked up at me. For a second I thought she was going to cry, but then she seemed to see me smiling behind my mask and smiled back at me. It was a warm and innocent smile that could light up the whole world.Things like this remind me that the world is full of love and beauty. Even when things seem difficult, painful, or scary, there is always love to guide us through. Keep this in mind the next time you feel like the world is crashing down around you.

[Treasure box]

  1. war n. 战争
  2. reminder n. 提示
  3. delighted adj. 充满欢乐的
  4. crash down 崩溃

Difficult sentences:

I’ve gotten so used to this that it feels like second nature now.

释义:对此我已经渐渐习惯,现在感觉这就是我的第二天性了。点拨:get used to sth/doing sth 意为“(变得)习惯于做某事”。 例句: He got used to living in a big city after he moved into his son’s house.

Keep this in mind the next time you feel like the world is crashing down around you.

释义:下次当你觉得周围整个世界都要崩溃的时候,请记住这一点。点拨:keep sth in mind 意为“记住某事”。the next time 指“下一次”,可以引导时间状语从句。例句: Of course, smile is good. You have to keep that in mind.

[Comprehension test]

Choose the answer:1. How does the writer feel about TV news lately?A. She is tired of seeing bad news. B. She feels excited to see new stories. C. She is prepared for whatever comes. D. She thinks the world is going to be okay.

2. What does “second nature” refer to in Paragraph 2?A. Going to a second-hand store.B. Collecting some old CDs. C. Parking a car in a parking lot.D. Putting on masks when going out.

3. What did the writer do as the baby woke up?A. She made a funny face.B. She took off her mask.C. She showed a smile behind her mask.D. She talked to her by using “baby talk”.

4. What did the writer learn from the experience?A. We should prepare for the end of the world. B. We should try to see love and beauty around us. C. Learn to accept love from other people.D. Babies don’t know how sad life can be.

[Vocabulary in use]

Choose the best words to fill in the blanks:

I recently got back in touch with a friend who I hadn’t seen in many years. He and I once played in a band together and he found some old 5.__________ (reminders, recordings, collections) that we made. It was nice of him to reach out and send them to me, as I hadn’t heard them in years.As we chatted and caught up with each other, I came to find out that he and his wife had split up (分手). I’d known her as a friend as well, and they had a baby together.When I first heard the news, I was a bit 6.__________ (scared, shocked, delighted). What do you say to someone when they bring up something bad that has happened to them? It can be hard to know how to react.In my case, I simply said, “I’m sorry to hear that. I hope things are getting better now.” And really, that’s all that needs to be said in these 7.__________ (peaceful, painful, innocent) situations. If someone wants to talk about what’s troubling them, you don’t need to say much – you just need to 8.__________ (push, park, lend) an ear and let them talk. That’s the best way to help when someone is going through a difficult time.


1-4 A D C B 5. collections; 6. shocked; 7. painful; 8. lend

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