
Show的意思大家都明白,就是“展示”,也是大家熟知的“秀”。像show off(显摆)、show someone around(带某人游览、参观)这样的短语大家也一定不陌生。但是有些跟show有关的短语,不一定是字面上所表示的意思,多半都有深层寓意,今天我们就来看几个这样的短语。 1. show one's true colors 露出了本来面目;原形毕露 I believe that he will show his true colors someday. 我相信总有一天他会现出原形的。 2. show someone the door 将某人赶出来;让某人离开 Dick was rude to my family and I simply showed him the door. 迪克对我家人无礼,所以我把他赶出去了。 3. show someone the ropes 传授秘诀;告诉某人工作的窍门 The new secretary started today so I spent most of the morning showing her the ropes. 新来的秘书今天开始工作,所以我花了一上午时间来教她熟悉工作。 4. show the white feather 畏缩不前,显示胆怯或懦弱(这个说法来自斗鸡,如鸡的羽毛出现白色,显示饲养得不好) Don’t show the white feather, fight for your beliefs. 不要害怕,要为你的信念而战。 5. show one's teeth 发怒 If you cannot bite, never show your teeth. 不会咬人就别呲牙裂嘴。(没本事别逞强) 6. show of hands 举手表决 The issue was decided by a show of hands. 这件事是通过举手表决决定的 7. show one's hand 表明自己的计划或意图;摊牌 Don't show your hand too early. 不要过早摊牌。 8. show one's heels 逃走,逃离 As soon as the burglar alarm went off, the housebreaker showed his heels. 防窃报警器一响,那个小偷就逃之夭夭了。
