导航意思: 忠实的


解析: reliable 指某人或某事物可以信赖、依靠的。

例句: He is a reliable friend.

翻译: 他是一位可以信赖的朋友。

例句: They need a reliable method to decrease the divorce rate.

翻译: 他们需要一个可靠的办法来降低离婚率。


解析: faithful 指对某人、政党、信念等忠诚的,通常作定语;也指在爱情上忠贞不二的。

例句: Bob has always been a faithful friend of our family.

翻译: 鲍勃一直是我们家忠诚的朋友。

例句: He is a man who always remains faithful to his principles.

翻译: 他是一个忠于自己原则的人。


解析: loyal 指忠于朋友、国家、原则等并一直对其加以支持的。

例句: He remains loyal to the government despite criticism against it.

翻译: 尽管政府受到指责,他依然效忠于它。

例句: Her whole family were loyal supporters of the Lakers.

翻译: 她全家人都是湖人队的忠实球迷。


解析: trusty 指武器、车辆、宠物等长期以来一直可以信赖的,通常作定语,常为幽默用法。

例句: He used to ride his trusty bike to meet his girlfriend.

翻译: 他过去常骑着他那辆忠心耿耿的自行车去见女朋友。

例句: She had her trusty dog with her.

翻译: 她把她那条忠实的狗带在身边。

