Break down
例句 1:We broke down on the highway.我们(的汽车)在高速上抛锚了。
例句2:Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.双方的谈判已经破裂
例句3:Her health broke down under the pressure of work.工作的压力把她的身体压垮了。
Break off
例句1:He broke off in the middle of a sentence.他话讲到一半就停住了。
例句2:The door handle has broken off.门的把手断了。
例句3:We have broken off diplomatic relations with America.我们已经中断和美国的外交。
Break out
例句1:Fire broke out during the night.夜间突然发生了火灾。
例句2:War broke out in 1937.1937年爆发了战争。
Break up
例句1:The meeting broke up at eleven o'clock.会议在11点结束
例句2:When do you break up for Christmas?你们什么时候放圣诞节假?
例句3:He was breaking up under the strain。他劳累过度,身体逐渐衰弱。
Break into
例句1:The burglars broke into the house suddenly.强盗突然强行闯入的房子。
例句2:As president's car arrived,the crowd broke into loud applause.总统的汽车到达时,人群中爆发出热烈的掌声。
Break through
例句1:Scientists say they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.科学家们说,他们在防治癌症方面开始有所突破。