

(1) 表示经常发生或习惯性的动作或状态

My father always reads newspaper after breakfast.我父亲总是在早餐后读报纸.

We often write to each other.我们时常相互通信.

(2) 表示主语现在的性格、特征和能力

He works hard.他努力工作.

Does he like sports? 他喜欢体育运动吗?

(3) 表示客观事实或普遍真理

The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起.

After summer comes autumn.秋天在夏天之后.

(4) 表示按计划、规定或时间表将要发生的事

He starts next week.他下个星期出发.

The train starts at 10 o’clock in the morning.火车将在早上10点开出.

(5) 用于状语从句代替一般将来时

I will tell him about it as soon as i see him next Monday.


I will get everything ready before my boss comes back.


(6) 有些动词即使表示现在的动作也不能用现在进行时,也只能用一般现在时

I tell you the truth, i hate to do it.说实话,我讨厌那样做.

I hope the weather would fine.我希望天气会晴朗.

I am looking into the room, and i see a strange man in it.


(7) 和here、there 连用

Here comes the bus.公共汽车来了.

There goes the bell.铃声响了.

(8) 一些固定表达发

I promise/ advise / insist/ agree/ refuse/ suggest……


(9) 描述过去时间的事实。多见于口述或叙述文,以增加生动很真实

He says the river rises higher and higher, breaks the bank and is filling all low place.他说河水越涨越高,漫过河岸,淹没低洼地.

