- Hey girl! I haven’t seen you in ages.

- Hey you! Yeah, it’s been forever. What’s up?

- So many things happened, I don’t even know where to start. Let’s meet up!

- Definitely. Let’s catch up. How about Friday?


To catch up with someone means to talk to someone whom one has not seen for some time in order to find out what they have been up to.和某人很久不见面后的小聚碰面




catch up with的其他用法

1. 迎头赶上2. 赶上某人3. 赶上(或超过)4. 跟上5. 追上,赶上


In a minute I 'll catch up with them.再过一分钟我就能赶上他们。

Someday china 's software will catch up with its hardware . 某一天,中国的软件将会跟上它的硬件。

I have to catch up with him . 我说什么都得追上他。

Say we do catch up with them what happens then ? 如果我们真的追上了他们,然后呢?
