




节目音乐:Bills by Lunch Money Lewis


Still in holiday mode? 还在放假状态?


It sounds so obvious, but very true: 这点听起来特别显而易见,但是很正确

Through work, you can begin work: 通过工作,开始工作

Can you relate to that? 你认同吗?

I can, because I can always find excuses not to work: 我认同啊,因为我很容易给自己找借口,不开始工作。最好的方法就是实际开始干

When we were in school, we might hold off doing homework; It's the same way with working: 上学的时候,大家常常拖拖拉拉不做功课,工作也是一样的

I can also attest to that: 我也特别认同这点

So the best way is to just turn on your computer and start working: 所以最好的方法就是打开电脑,开始工作

Here comes the question | 但是问题来了

We've accumulated so much work over the break: 一个假期,堆积了好多工作

Where do you start? There's so much to do after one week: 怎么开始呢?放了一周假,要做的实在太多了

Try this next tip |试试下一条建议吧!

#2. Break big tasks into smaller, manageable chunks.



One way to overcome your fear is to break down a large task into manageable little chunks: 一个克服恐惧的方式,就是把大任务切分成小碎片

Hands-down a good tip: 举双手赞成

OpenLanguage is hands-down the best English learning resource out there: 开言英语绝对是最好的英语学习资源

What a great plug: 广告打得很好哦

Manageable: 容易管理的、容易消化的

Chunks: 小碎片

This tip also applies to learning English: 这条建议对学英语也很适用

Break learning down into smaller, managable chunks: 把学英语切分成易实行的小碎片

Study 10-15 minutes chunks throughout the day rather than 2-3 hour big sessions: 一天中,用10到15分钟的碎片来学习,不是2、3个小时的大段时间

It's easier to do and stick to: 更容易执行和坚持下去

#3. Write down your priorities.



Write down your priorities Monday morning, plan your week: 周一早上,把一周的重点写下来,好好计划新的一周

Writing things down reall helps you to visualize how you're spending your time: 把东西写下来,能有效帮你视觉化自己的时间分配

It will help you adjust accordingly: 并作相应调整

#4. Get a head start.



Start the night before or early morning: 要提高效率,就要事先准备;不管是前一晚还是一大早

A head start has nothing to do with head: head start和头没什么关系

It means to prepare in advance: 它的意思就是事先准备

I love starting the day early: 我很喜欢早点开始一天

Wake up early, get to the office early: 早起,早点到办公室

It gives me space and quietness when no one is in the office: 大家还没来上班,我有很多空间、宁静

I can knock things down early in the day: 可以早早就开始处理工作

It really does give me a head start: 真的能让我准备充足

# 5. Understand how your brain works.



This tip is about self-understanding: 这条建议是关于自我认识的

Knowing when you're the most and least productive: 懂得自己什么时候是最有效率、和最没效率的

Get more done when you are feeling more productive: 自己效率高的时候,就多干一会儿、多完成一些

#6. Turn off distractions.



Turn off WeChat Moments, Taobao, videos...... focus on a single task without interruption: 微信朋友圈、淘宝、视频,统统关掉、不理会;专心做一件事,不受打扰

Distraction: 干扰、让你分心的事

Turn off, 既能关掉机器,也能关掉抽象的东西

#7. Batch process.



Batch: 一堆、一批

It means to group similar tasks into one batch and knock them out at once:意思就是把同类的工作归类,集中处理

Instead of checking emails every other hour, set aside a time just for emails: 比如邮件,与其断断续续看邮件、回邮件,不如安排一个时间段,专门处理邮件

Create time blocks for blocks of activities: 用时间段处理同类工作

#8. Do not procrastinate. Just get it done.

戒掉拖延症, 果断去做

This is easier said than done: 这点真是说着容易,做起来难

Hands-down: 我举双手赞成

We've talked about procrastiation in a show before: 我们之前有一集节目说过拖延症

Everyone procrastinates about something, even the most productive ones: 每个人总会对一些事拖拉,即使是最有效率的人

But you need to stop procrastinating about important things: 但是你要督促自己,不要在重要的事情上拖延

Just get it done: 告诉自己,现在就去做


Make a list, check things off as you go: 列个清单,做掉一件事,就划掉一项

Make a list...on your hand?



Do you know how I do it? I write my list on my hand: 我都记在手上

I'll wash an item off after I've finished it: 做完一件事,就洗掉一条

You're usually dressed so well and elegantly, but your hand is like a student's: 你打扮得漂漂亮亮,但是手像学生的小抄

"Whatever floats my boat" as Spencer likes to say: 我觉得很有用("Whatever floats my boat"), Spencer喜欢这么说

#9. Take short breaks.



Take 10 or 20-minute breaks: 来个10到20分钟的小休息

Use the time to take a short walk, do some stretching: 利用这个时间出去走一下、做做伸展

It helps to release positive hormones in your body: 有助于释放体内积极的荷尔蒙

You’ll feel more refreshed and ready to be even more productive: 你会感到神清气爽,工作时更有效率

#10. Set a deadline for everything you work on; don't let tasks drag on.



Although we often dread deadlines, they're very effective: 虽然我们通常惧怕deadline, 但其实很有效

When you know something is due by a certain date, it gives you a sense of urgency: 当你知道一件事某个期限要做完,你会有一种紧迫感

Do you set deadlines for yourself? 你给自己设deadline吗?

Yes, I do. Do you? 我会啊,你呢?

You set deadlines for me. And it's appreciated: 你会给我deadline, 很有用

It also helps focus the team and team members: 也能让团队步调一致

We can work backwards to hit deadlines: 大家会根据deadline倒推、计划工作

Don't let things drag on: 总之不要无限期、漫无目的地做事

More productivity in work and life!


