

A Christmas tree ornament that is a mini-replica of the now-famous red hat with Donald Trump's campaign slogan 'Make America Great Again' has sold out on Amazon.印有特朗普的竞选口号“让美国再次伟大”的小红帽人气火爆,其迷你复制版圣诞树装饰品已经在亚马逊上售罄。

The collectible, which was offered for $149, proved to be a hot item, no doubt boosted by Trump's shock election victory on November 8, The Washington Examinerreported.



The Trump Make America Great Again Committee - the joint fundraising committee between the president-elect's campaign and the Republican National Committee - sent an email to supporters this week offering them the chance to buy a Christmas ornament version of the famed red 'Make America Great Again' ball cap. “特朗普让美国再次伟大委员会”是特朗普竞选团队和共和党全国委员会的联合筹款委员会,该委员会本周向特朗普支持者发邮件称,他们有机会买到“让美国再次伟大”人气红色棒球帽的同款圣诞节装饰物。

The ornament is made of brass and finished in 14 karat gold, which would explain the exorbitant price tag. 这款由黄铜制作的饰品价格高得离谱是因为点缀了14k黄金。


'President-elect Trump loves Christmas and makes a point of proudly saying "Merry Christmas" every chance he gets,' the promotional email said. 促销邮件中称,“侯任总统特朗普热爱圣诞节,并且认为一有机会就自豪地说出‘圣诞快乐’是很必要的”。

'This collectible ornament commemorates Trump's commitment to the Christmas spirit and will be a great addition to your family tree this year,' the note to supporters continued. 发给特朗普支持者的邮件中还写道,“这款适宜收藏的装饰品是为了纪念特朗普对圣诞精神的信仰,也将为您家今年的圣诞树锦上添花。”

The ornament's price point is a departure from most of the other merchandise the committee is selling. 这款装饰品的价格和该委员会出售的其他大部分商品价格相差很大。

For example, most t-shirts are $20 and then hoodies are $50, with a men's pullover going for $55. 比如,大多数T恤售价20美元,帽衫售价50美元,男士套头衫售价55美元。

Men can get a #BigLeague tank top for just $18. 男士#大联盟棒球背心仅售18美元。

The committee sells large foam 'thumbs up' emblazoned with the Trump-Pence and 'Make America Great Again' logos for $25. 该委员会出售的印有“特朗普-彭斯”和“让美国再次伟大”标语的竖起大拇指的大号泡沫手售价为25美元。


And the original 'Make America Great Again' hats are still for sale at $25 a pop. 而仍在出售的原版特朗普竞选标语帽子单价为25美元。

The 'Make America Great Again' hats will likely become an iconic symbol for the unlikely win of the Trump campaign. 特朗普竞选标语款帽子将有可能成为这场不可思议的胜利的象征标志。

In a new Forbesprofile of Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law, the young businessman used hat sales to see if his data operation was working.


'I called somebody who works for one of the technology companies that I work with and I had them give me a tutorial on how to use Facebook micro-targeting,' Kushner told the business magazine. 库什纳对《福布斯》表示,“我给在一家科技公司工作的合作伙伴打电话,让他们给我一份关于如何使用脸书微目标定位的教程。”

Kushner was able to use the medium to go from selling $8,000 worth of hats and other merchandise a day to $80,000, as a way to fuel the winning campaign. 库什纳利用脸书每天能够将价值8000美元的帽子和其他商品卖到8万美元,以这种方式为特朗普竞选团队提供资金支持。


exorbitant: 极高的



