







Q: Does DPRK Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un's visit to China have anything to do with the future US-DPRK leadings' meeting? Besides Beijing, will he visit other places?


A: The Spokesperson for the International Department of the Central Committee of the CPC has released relevant information this morning on the visit of Chairman Kim Jong Un. Chairman Kim Jong Un is visiting China at the invitation of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC and President Xi Jinping. China and the DPRK are close neighbors. It is an important part of our fine tradition to maintain high-level exchanges. As for the arrangements of Chairman Kim Jong Un's visit, we will release relevant information in due course.


Q: We know that the US delegation is now having trade talks in Beijing with their Chinese counterparts. Will the visiting DPRK delegation get in touch with the US delegation?


A: I am afraid that these two visits are two different things.


Q: This is Chairman Kim Jong Un's first diplomatic activity of this year. Some believe that China may be factored in as a new variable in the Korean Peninsula situation for the rest of this year. What is your comment?


A: What do you mean by saying that "China may be factored in as a new variable"? Which media were you quoting from?


It is only fair to say that China has been an important force in promoting the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue and peace and stability on the Peninsula. We once held the Six-Party Talks, a process initiated by China to advance the settlement of the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue. This process remains to be one that has seen the most positive outcomes ever achieved. Going forward, China will continue to work with all relevant parties to jointly move forward this process. If China must be described as a factor in this whole process, then China is and will always be a positive factor.


Q: You said it's an important tradition for China and the DPRK to maintain close exchanges. How do you explain that six years had passed with no meetings between Chinese leader and Kim Jong Un, and now within one year there have been four meetings?


A: I just said that the two parties and two states of China and the DPRK enjoy traditional friendly ties. In fact, the two sides have been sustaining the tradition of maintaining contacts over different periods, and such contacts take place in various forms as the situation evolves. There is no need to read too much into that.


What merits more of our attention is that both China and the DPRK are committed to deepening bilateral relations, properly resolving the Korean Peninsula issue, and maintaining peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula and the whole region.




Q: Today is the birthday of DPRK leader Kim Jong Un. Did China specially invite him to be in China for his birthday? Are there any new economic pledges that China plans to make to the DPRK during this visit?


A: On your first question, it is very normal for the two parties and two states to maintain friendly exchanges.


As for the specific arrangements and outcomes of the high-level meetings between the two sides as well as Chairman Kim Jong Un's visit, we will release relevant information timely when we have them.


Q: Some reports say that Chairman Kim Jong Un's visit to China coincides with the China-US trade talks and China may use this visit as a bargaining chipin the trade negotiations. What is your comment?


A: China's diplomacy incorporates rich and diverse contents and there are a lot of important items on our diplomatic agenda. So, there is nothing unusual that some diplomatic events coincide with each other.


Regarding Chairman Kim Jong Un's visit to China and the China-US trade talks, China's position is very clear. Regarding Chairman Kim Jong Un's visit to China, we stay committed to developing friendly relations between the two parties and two states. This position is clear-cut and steadfast. China's position on resolving the China-US trade frictions is also open and transparent. On this issue, our attitude is sincere, and our resolve is firm. The US side is very clear about China's position in this regard. I don't think we need to resort to any maneuvers to get our message across to the US side.








