There is no friend so faithful as a good book. 最忠实的朋友莫过于一本好书,下面我们就来聊聊关于英文句子唯美简短友谊?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



There is no friend so faithful as a good book. 最忠实的朋友莫过于一本好书。

Friends are like wine; the older, the better.朋友象酒,越久越淳。

The best mirror is an old friend.最好的镜子是老朋友。

He who mistrusts most should be trusted least. 最不信任别人的人最不应该得到信任。

A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

A man is known by his friends. 什么人交什么朋友。

A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。